Post, October 18, 2013 • A 2012 article by CRF researchers David Chandler and the late Kevin Strecker, “Dual-etalon frequency-comb cavity ringdown spectrometer” was chosen by The Journal of Chemical Physics as one of 80 articles to highlight the 80 years of outstanding work published in the journal. Recently retired CRF researcher Steve Binkley is...
Kevin Strecker
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First Kevin E. Strecker Award Presented at Rice University
Post, May 30, 2014 • Joseph Barchas (middle) receives congratulations from Michelle Strecker and Randy Hulet, who was Kevin Strecker’s graduate advisor. The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) sends warm congratulations to Joseph Barchas of Rice University, the first recipient of the Rice University’s Kevin E. Strecker Award. Joseph received the $2,000 award from the Department...

Remembering Kevin Strecker
Post, December 12, 2012 • Kevin Strecker CRF researcher Kevin Strecker was a brilliant physicist with a child’s enthusiasm and curiosity for science, a giving mentor, and a person who cared deeply for others. On Nov. 4, he died of a heart attack at the age of 38. He is survived by his wife of...