Post, April 9, 2013 • Dean Dibble (8237) prepares samples of switchgrass for analysis. (photo by Randy Wong) Biofuels hold great promise for the future of transportation energy, but the day that biofuel completely replaces gasoline at the pump is still a long way off. How far off is, at best, an educated guess, with...
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Leaner Lifted-Flame Combustion: An ideal companion for biofuels
Post, July 31, 2012 • When Aristotle said that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, he probably wasn’t thinking of engines and biofuels. But his famous quote applies perfectly to the synergy between Leaner Lifted-Flame Combustion (LLFC) and oxygenated biofuels. Each technology has its own limitations, but combining the two may...

Thermochemical integration key to improving the efficiency of bio-ethanol production
Post, May 16, 2011 • A recently concluded CRF study as revealed the important role of combustion in the efficient operation of cellulosic ethanol plants for producing biofuels. Unlike ‘first-generation’ ethanol derived from the fermentation of sugar or starch sources (such as corn), future production of ethanol in the United States is expected (and indeed...