Jonathan H. Frank

Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility, Reacting Flows

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Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility, Reacting Flows

(925) 294-4645

Sandia National Laboratories, California
P.O. Box 969
Livermore, CA 94551-0969


As the Principal Investigator of the Advanced Imaging Laboratory, Jonathan Frank has extensive experience in the development and application of laser diagnostics for multidimensional imaging of chemically reacting flows. As a leader in his field, he has made important contributions to fundamental understanding of turbulence-chemistry interactions as well as to model validation efforts in combustion science. His current research focuses on laser imaging diagnostics for plasma science, catalysis, and investigations of fundamental electron scattering processes, making him an excellent mediator between the fields of plasma physics, combustion, and catalysis. His recent work in plasmas has provided insights into the spatiotemporal evolution of key reactive species in hydrocarbon plasmas and water-laden plasmas.

Research Interests

Imaging and spectroscopy for high-speed, multi-dimensional measurements of neutral and radical flow fields and dynamic systems.


PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Yale University

Masters, Mechanical Engineering
Yale University

Bachelor, Physics
Wesleyan University

Research Highlights

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Scientific Achievement

Scientists from Sandia National Laboratories have designed and demonstrated a new apparatus for the formation of ultracold laser-induced plasmas and diagnostics to investigate plasma evolution on nanosecond time scales.  They are able to monitor chemistry within the plasma as well as the electron velocity distribution by extracting and imaging cations, anions, or electrons from the plasma using sub-nanosecond electrical pulses. Analysis of the images enables one to determine the intensity and temperature of the plasma as a function of time.

Variation in the total extracted electron signal obtained by integrating velocity mapped images as a function of extraction time.  Bimodal kinetics are observed for both pure Kr and 20% Kr in He.  The short and long timescales are associated with the detection of electrons that are not trapped and trapped, respectively.  Representative velocity mapped images at 20 ns, 0.5 µs, and 2 µs are inset.
Variation in the total extracted electron signal obtained by integrating velocity mapped images as a function of extraction time.  Bimodal kinetics are observed for both pure Kr and 20% Kr in He.  The short and long timescales are associated with the detection of electrons that are not trapped and trapped, respectively.  Representative velocity mapped images at 20 ns, 0.5 µs, and 2 µs are inset.

Significance and Impact

  • This work demonstrates a new technique for measurements of the electron temperature within a plasma
  • This technique enables investigations of the temporal evolution of plasma characteristics with nanosecond resolution.
  • There are many situations that require quantification of the chemistry and dynamics of a plasma, such as understanding properties of plasmas used in chemical vapor deposition.

Research Details

  • An atomic beam of cold Kr atoms was formed in a pulsed supersonic expansion, and a 214-nm laser pulse resonantly ionized the Kr within a field free region. The resulting Kr cations trapped the photoelectrons to form a transient plasma. 
  • Electrons from the plasma were imaged onto a position sensitive microchannel plate detector by applying an 800 picosecond, 6000 volt pulse that extracted the electrons and drove them through an electrostatic lens.
  • The velocity mapped images allow one to obtain the electron velocity distribution in the plasma. By fitting this distribution to a temperature, one can observe temperature variations with nanosecond resolution.


Smoll, E. J.; Jana, I.; Frank, J. H.; Chandler, D. W. Velocity-mapped imaging of electron dynamics in an ultracold laser-induced plasma. Physical Review A 2023, 108 (4), L041301. DOI:

Researchers demonstrate quantitative imaging of the methyl radical (CH3) in a nanosecond pulsed plasma using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence.
Quantitative 2D imaging of the spatial and temporal evolution of the methyl radical (CH3) in a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence. Image courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.
Quantitative 2D imaging of the spatial and temporal evolution of the methyl radical (CH3) in a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence. Image courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.

The Science

Low-temperature plasmas can facilitate chemical conversion of hydrocarbons while avoiding use of high-temperature reactors. Methyl (CH3) is a key reactive molecule in plasma hydrocarbon chemistry. For example, it is formed by removal of a hydrogen atom from methane (CH4). Scientists need imaging measurements of methyl distributions to better understand chemical reactions of hydrocarbons in plasmas. Laser diagnostics provide non-intrusive measurements in plasmas. However, laser imaging of methyl using a conventional approach of laser-induced fluorescence is problematic because methyl falls apart after laser excitation. Scientists have overcome this limitation by detecting the CH fragment that is formed when methyl falls apart.

The Impact

The demonstration of 2D imaging measurements of the methyl radical in a low-temperature plasma opens new opportunities to understand the formation and destruction of a key molecule in hydrocarbon chemistry of plasmas. Studies using this diagnostic technique could provide new insights into how plasmas promote chemical reactions in important applications, such as plasma-assisted combustion, catalysis, and reforming. A deeper understanding and control of these processes is needed to develop new approaches to plasma-assisted energy conversion and chemical synthesis, such as the generation of higher value hydrocarbons from inexpensive abundant hydrocarbon fuels.


The methyl radical plays a central role in plasma-assisted hydrocarbon chemistry but is challenging to detect due to its high reactivity and strongly pre-dissociative electronically excited states. Researchers at a DOE/FES Low Temperature Plasma Research Facility have demonstrated quantitative 2D imaging of methyl profiles in a plasma using photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (PF-LIF). This technique provides temporally and spatially resolved measurements of local methyl distributions, including in near-surface regions that are important for plasma-surface interactions such as plasma-assisted catalysis. The technique relies on laser photo-dissociation of methyl to produce CH fragments. These photofragments are then detected with LIF imaging using a second laser to excite CH at 390nm, and fluorescence from CH is detected near 430nm. This non-resonant detection scheme enables interrogation close to a surface. The PF-LIF diagnostic is calibrated by producing a known amount of methyl through photo-dissociation of acetone vapor in a calibration gas mixture using a third laser. PF-LIF imaging of methyl production is demonstrated in methane-containing nanosecond pulsed plasmas with calibrated measurements obtained in a diffuse, plane-to-plane discharge. Relative methyl measurements in a filamentary plane-to-plane discharge and a plasma jet reveal highly localized intense production of methyl. The utility of the PF-LIF technique is further demonstrated by combining methyl measurements with formaldehyde LIF imaging to capture correlations between methyl and formaldehyde.


Jonathan Frank

Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. This research used resources of the Low Temperature Plasma Research Facility at Sandia National Laboratories, which is a collaborative research facility supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.The support of US Department of Energy Collaborative Research Center for Studies of Plasma-Assisted Combustion and Plasma Catalysis is also gratefully acknowledged.


van den Bekerom, D., Richards, C., Huang, E., Adamovich, I. & Frank, J. H. 2D imaging of absolute methyl concentrations in nanosecond pulsed plasma by photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 095018 (2022). []

Researchers demonstrate quantitative imaging of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in a nanosecond pulsed humid plasma using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence.
Quantitative 2D imaging of the spatial and temporal evolution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the hydroxyl radical (OH) in a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) jet plasma using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence and laser-induced fluorescence, respectively. Image courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.
Quantitative 2D imaging of the spatial and temporal evolution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the hydroxyl radical (OH) in a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) jet plasma using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence and laser-induced fluorescence, respectively. Image courtesy of Sandia National Laboratories.

The Science

Low-temperature plasmas can facilitate chemical reactions without the need for high-temperature reactors that are precluded in temperature sensitive applications, such as biomedical treatments. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the hydroxyl radical (OH) are key reactive molecules in plasma water chemistry and can promote decontamination, wound healing, and other biomedical treatments. Scientists need imaging measurements of the distributions of these molecules to better understand chemical reactions in water-containing plasmas and the interactions of plasmas with aqueous solutions. Laser diagnostics provide non-intrusive measurements in plasmas. However, laser imaging of hydrogen peroxide using a conventional approach of laser-induced fluorescence is problematic because hydrogen peroxide falls apart after laser excitation. Scientists have overcome this limitation by detecting the OH fragments that are formed when hydrogen peroxide falls apart.

The Impact

The demonstration of 2D imaging measurements of hydrogen peroxide and the hydroxyl radical in a low-temperature plasma opens new opportunities to understand the formation, consumption, and transport of key molecules in water chemistry of plasmas. Studies using this diagnostic technique could provide new insights into how plasmas promote chemical reactions in important applications, such as plasma-assisted sterilization, decontamination, and biomedical treatments. A deeper understanding of these processes is needed to advance plasma applications and enable control of plasma sources to tailor the delivery of key species.


Hydrogen peroxide and the hydroxyl radical play central roles in plasma water chemistry, but hydrogen peroxide is challenging to detect due to its high reactivity and strongly pre-dissociative electronically excited states. Researchers at a DOE/FES Low Temperature Plasma Research Facility have demonstrated quantitative 2D imaging of hydrogen peroxide profiles in a humid plasma using photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (PF-LIF). This technique provides temporally and spatially resolved measurements of local hydrogen peroxide distributions, including in near-surface regions that are important for plasma-liquid or plasma-surface interactions such as treatment of tissue or sterilization/decontamination. The technique relies on laser photo-dissociation of hydrogen peroxide at 213nm to produce OH fragments. These photofragments are then detected with LIF imaging using a second laser to excite OH at 282nm, and fluorescence from OH is detected near 310nm. This non-resonant detection scheme enables interrogation close to a surface. The PF-LIF diagnostic is calibrated using a reference gas mixture containing a known amount of hydrogen peroxide. PF-LIF imaging is used to measure 2D profiles of hydrogen peroxide mole fraction in a humid nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge. The utility of the PF-LIF technique is further demonstrated by combining hydrogen peroxide measurements with OH-LIF imaging to capture correlations between hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical mole fractions.


Jonathan Frank

Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences. This research used resources of the Low Temperature Plasma Research Facility at Sandia National Laboratories, which is a collaborative research facility supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.The support of US Department of Energy Collaborative Research Center for Studies of Plasma-Assisted Combustion and Plasma Catalysis is also gratefully acknowledged.


van den Bekerom, D., Tahiyat, M. M., Huang, E., Frank, J. H., Farouk, T. I., 2D-imaging of absolute OH and H2O2 profiles in a He–H2O nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge by photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 015006 (2023). []

Highlighted Publications

Alkhalifa, A. M. D. S., Francesco; Steinmetz, Scott A.; Pfaff, Sebastian; Huang, Erxiong; Frank, Jonathan H.; Kliewer, Christopher J.; Lacoste, Deanna A. Quantifying the thermal effect and methyl radical production in nanosecond repetitively pulsed glow discharges applied to a methane-air flame. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2024, In Press.

Smoll, E. J.; Jana, I.; Frank, J. H.; Chandler, D. W. Velocity-mapped imaging of electron dynamics in an ultracold laser-induced plasma. Physical Review A 2023, 108 (4), L041301. DOI:

Gurses, S. M.; Felvey, N.; Filardi, L. R.; Zhang, A. J.; Wood, J.; van Benthem, K.; Frank, J. H.; Osborn, D. L.; Hansen, N.; Kronawitter, C. X. Constraining reaction pathways for methanol oxidation through operando interrogation of both the surface and the near-surface gas phase. Chem Catalysis 2023, 3 (10), 100782. DOI:

Zhou, B.; Frank, J. H.; Coriton, B.; Li, Z.; Bai, X.-S.; Alden, M. Experimental Perspective and Challenges. In Turbulent Combustion Physics, Swaminathan, N., Bai, X.-S., Fureby, C., Haugen, N. E. L., Brethouwer, G. Eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2022.

Gurses, S. M.; Price, T.; Zhang, A.; Frank, J. H.; Hansen, N.; Osborn, D. L.; Kulkarni, A.; Kronawitter, C. X. Near-Surface Gas-Phase Methoxymethanol Is Generated by Methanol Oxidation over Pd-Based Catalysts. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12 (46), 11252-11258. DOI:

Zhou, B.; Frank, J. H. Effects of heat release and imposed bulk strain on alignment of strain rate eigenvectors in turbulent premixed flames. Combust. Flame 2019, 201, 290-300. DOI:

Dirk van den Bekerom, Malik Tahiyat, Erxiong Huang, Jonathan Frank, Tanvir Farouk, (2023). 2D-imaging of absolute OH and H2O2 profiles in a He–H2O nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge by photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence Plasma Sources Science and Technology Publication ID: 80951

Dirk van den Bekerom, Caleb Richards, Erxiong Huang, Igor Adamovich, Jonathan Frank, (2022). 2D imaging of absolute methyl concentrations in nanosecond pulsed plasma by photo-fragmentation laser-induced fluorescence Plasma Sources Science and Technology Publication ID: 80035

Bo Zhou, Erxiong Huang, Raybel Almeida, Sadi Gurses, Coleman Kronawitter, Ambarish Kulkarni, Johan Zetterberg, David Osborn, Nils Hansen, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Imaging the gas phase above a reacting surface: partial oxidation of methanol catalyzed by silver Publication ID: 77157

Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). SNL Plasma Research Facility (PRF) Publication ID: 76086

Dirk van den Bekerom, Erxiong Huang, Caleb Rchards, Igor Adamovich, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Imaging of Methyl Radical in a Plasma Jet by Photofragmentation Laser-Induced Fluorescence Publication ID: 76179

Jonathan Frank, (2021). Imaging the Gas Phase above a Reacting Surface: Partial Oxidation of Methanol over a Silver Catalyst Publication ID: 76186

Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). SNL Plasma Research Facility Publication ID: 75840

Jonathan Frank, Eric Smoll, Irina Jana, Erxiong Huang, David Chandler, (2021). Development and Use of an Ultra-High Resolution Electron Scattering Apparatus Publication ID: 75884

Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). Sandia National Laboratories Plasma Research Facility Publication ID: 75651

Shane Sickafoose, Brian Bentz, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Matthew Hopkins, Christopher Kliewer, Amanda Lietz, Dirk van den Bekerom, (2021). SNL Plasma Research Facility (PRF) Publication ID: 75935

Dirk van den Bekerom, Erxiong Huang, Caleb Richards, Igor Adamovich, Jonathan Frank, (2021). 2D Imaging of Methyl in a N2/CH4 Nanosecond Pulsed Plasma by Photo-Fragmentation Laser Induced Fluorescence Publication ID: 75493

David Osborn, Bo Zhou, Erxiong Huang, Raybel Almeida, Sadi Gurses, Alexander Ungar, Johan Zetterberg, Ambarish Kulkarni, Coleman Kronawitter, Nils Hansen, Jonathan Frank, Bibek Samanta, Ravin Fernando, Daniel Roesch, Hanna Reisler, (2021). Imaging the Near-Surface Gas Phase: A New Approach to Coupled Gas-Surface Chemistry Publication ID: 78717

Julien Manin, Lyle Pickett, Scott Skeen, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Image processing methods for Rayleigh scattering measurements of diesel spray mixing at high repetition rate Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Publication ID: 78338

Jonathan Frank, (2021). Advances in imaging of chemically reacting flows Journal of Chemical Physics Publication ID: 77568

Bo Zhou, Tao Li, Jonathan Frank, Andreas Dreizler, Benjamin Böhm, (2021). Simultaneous 10 kHz three-dimensional CH2O and tomographic PIV measurements in a lifted partially-premixed jet flame Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 77484

Bo Zhou, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Experimental study of vorticity-strain interactions in turbulent premixed counterflow flames Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 72390

Bo Zhou, Erxiong Huang, Raybel Almeida, Sadi Gurses, Alexander Ungar, Johan Zetterberg, Ambarish Kulkarni, Coleman Kronawitter, David Osborn, Nils Hansen, Jonathan Frank, (2021). Near-Surface Imaging of the Multicomponent Gas Phase above a Silver Catalyst during Partial Oxidation of Methanol ACS Catalysis Publication ID: 77546

Bo Zhou, Jonathan Frank, (2020). Experimental Study of Vorticity-Strain Interactions in Turbulent Premixed Counterflow Flames Publication ID: 72389

Jonathan Frank, (2020). Near-surface detection of the multi-component gas phase above catalysts with optical diagnostics and mass spectrometry Publication ID: 72174

Jonathan Frank, David Chandler, Martin Fournier, Eric Smoll, (2020). Velocity Map Imaging for Electron Energy Distribution Measurements in REMPI-initiated Plasma Publication ID: 71252

David Osborn, Jonathan Frank, Nils Hansen, Ambarish Kulkarni, Coleman Kronawitter, bruce gates, (2019). Coupled Gas-Surface Chemistry: New Tools for Discovery Science Publication ID: 70513

Bo Zhou, Adam Ruggles, Erxiong Huang, Jonathan Frank, (2019). Wavelet-based algorithm for correction of beam-steering artefacts in turbulent flow imaging at elevated pressures Experiments in Fluids Publication ID: 70293

Bo Zhou, Jonathan Frank, Erxiong Huang, Adam. Ruggles, (2019). Beam-steering artefacts correction for 100 kHz turbulent flow imaging at elevated pressure using a wavelet-based algorithm Publication ID: 67577

Jonathan Frank, David Chandler, Martin Fournier, Mark Jaska, (2018). New High-Resolution Electron Scattering Capability Publication ID: 59458

Bo Zhou, Jonathan Frank, (2018). Simultaneous Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry and Laser-induced Fluorescence Imaging in Turbulent Flames Publication ID: 63259

Bo Zhou, Jonathan Frank, (2018). Simultaneous 3D CH2O LIF and tomographic PIV measurements at 10 kHz in lifted turbulent jet flames Publication ID: 63260

Panos Sphicas, Lyle Pickett, Scott Skeen, Jonathan Frank, (2018). Inter-plume aerodynamics for gasoline spray collapse International Journal of Engine Research Publication ID: 56892

Jonathan Frank, Bruno Coriton, Lyle Pickett, Panos Sphicas, Scott Skeen, Adam Ruggles, Joeseph Oefelein, Anthony Ruiz, (2017). PIV Measurements of Flame-Strain Rate Interactions and Fuel Injection Dynamics Publication ID: 58404

Jonathan Frank, (2017). Recent Developments in Laser Imaging Diagnostics for Studying Turbulence-Flame Interactions Publication ID: 58441

Jonathan Frank, Jonathan Frank, Brian Patterson, Erxiong Huang, Bo Zhou, Christopher Kliewer, (2017). Simultaneous Temperature and Velocity Measurements with 2D-CARS and PIV Publication ID: 58078

Bo Zhou, Bo Zhou, Bo Zhou, Jonathan Frank, (2017). Strategy for background-free high speed OH measurement in turbulent flames Publication ID: 57846

Julien Manin, Lyle Pickett, Scott Skeen, Jonathan Frank, (2017). Time-resolved measurements of mixing quantities in diesel jets Publication ID: 57097

Jonathan Frank, (2017). Probing the structure of turbulent flames with tomographic PIV and high speed imaging Publication ID: 54906

Bruno Coriton, Jonathan Frank, (2017). Impact of heat release on strain rate field in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 47157

Bruno Coriton, Seong Im, Mirko Gamba, Jonathan Frank, (2017). Flow Field and Scalar Measurements in a Series of Turbulent Partially-Premixed Dimethyl Ether/Air Jet Flames Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 55471

Bruno Coriton, Jonathan Frank, Alessandro Gomez, (2016). Interaction of turbulent premixed flames with combustion products: Role of stoichiometry Combustion and Flame Publication ID: 48112

Maksym Zhelyeznyakov, Jonathan Frank, Bruno Coriton, (2016). Lagrangian Analysis applied to High- Speed Tomographic PIV Publication ID: 51285

Bruno Coriton, Jonathan Frank, (2016). Experimental study of vorticity-strain rate interaction in turbulent partially premixed jet flames using tomographic particle image velocimetry Physics of Fluids Publication ID: 48448

Jonathan Frank, Lyle Pickett, Scott Bisson, Brian Patterson, Adam Ruggles, Scott Skeen, Julien Manin, Erxiong Huang, Dave Cicone, Panos Sphicas, (2015). Quantitative Imaging of Turbulent Mixing Dynamics in High-Pressure Fuel Injection to Enable Predictive Simulations of Engine Combustion Publication ID: 46001

Bruno Coriton, Masoomeh Zendehdel, Satoshi Ukai, Andreas Kronenburg, Oliver Stein, Seong Im, Mirko Gamba, Jonathan Frank, (2015). Imaging measurements and LES-CMC modeling of a partially-premixed turbulent dimethyl ether/air jet flame Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 32017

Bruno Coriton, Jonathan Frank, (2015). High-speed tomographic PIV measurements of strain rate intermittency and clustering in turbulent partially-premixed jet flames Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 32018

Sgouria Lyra, Hemanth Kolla, Bruno Coriton, Jacqueline Chen, Jonathan Frank, (2014). Counterow H2/air premixed ames under intense turbulence and strain Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Publication ID: 39141

Jonathan Frank, Bruno Coriton, Erxiong Huang, David Osborn, (2014). In-Situ Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Flames Publication ID: 38757

Jonathan Frank, (2014). CRF Webpage Publication ID: 40406

Jonathan Frank, (2014). Imaging Diagnostics for Turbulent Combustion Publication ID: 40018

Jonathan Frank, Bruno Coriton, Erxiong Huang, David Osborn, (2013). In-situ Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Flames Physical Review Letters Publication ID: 36149

Jonathan Frank, Bruno Coriton, (2013). High-Speed Tomographic PIV and OH PLIF Measurements in Turbulent Reactive Flows Experiments in Fluids Publication ID: 35644

Jonathan Frank, (2013). A compact single-camera system for high-speed, simultaneous 3-D velocity and temperature measurements Publication ID: 35645


Jonathan Frank, (2011). CRF Website- Reacting Flows- Advanced Imaging Publication ID: 24294

Jonathan Frank, (2011). Advanced Imaging Diagnostics for Reacting Flows John Frank_New.ppt Publication ID: 21314

Jonathan Frank, Matthew Lawson, Khachik Sargsyan, Bert Debusschere, Habib Najm, (2010). Uncertainty quantification of cinematic imaging for development of predictive simulations of turbulent combustion Publication ID: 21159

Andrea Hsu, Jonathan Frank, (2009). Application of advanced laser diagnostics to hypersonic wind tunnels and combustion systems Publication ID: 16724

Jonathan Frank, Chunsang Yoo, Jacqueline Chen, (2009). Effect of NO on extinction and re-ignition of vortex-perturbed hydrogen flames Proposed for publication in the Combustion and Flame Journal. Publication ID: 15559

Waruna Kulatilaka, Brian Patterson, Jonathan Frank, Thomas Settersten, (2008). Comparison of nanosecond and picosecond excitation for interference-free two-photon laser-induced fluorescence detection of atomic hydrogen in flames Applied Optics Publication ID: 13522

Chunsang Yoo, Jacqueline Chen, Jonathan Frank, (2008). A numerical study of transient ignition and flame characteristics of diluted hydrogen versus heated air in counterflow Proposed for publication in Combustion and Flame. Publication ID: 14608

Waruna Kulatilaka, Brian Patterson, Jonathan Frank, (2007). Interference-Free Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of Atomic Hydrogen in Flames Publication ID: 12310

Jonathan Frank, R. Barlow, (2007). Non-premixed Turbulent Combustion Publication ID: 11448

Waruna Kulatilaka, Jonathan Frank, Brian Patterson, (2007). Investigation of photolytic interferences in nanosecond and picosecond excitation schemes for two-photon laser-induced fluorescence imaging of atomic hydrogen in flames Publication ID: 11469

Sebastian Kaiser, Jonathan Frank, (2007). Imaging of dissipative structures in the near field of a turbulent non-premixed jet flame Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Publication ID: 6477

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