Post, December 20, 2013 • CRF researcher Magnus Sjöberg has received an Excellence in Oral Presentation Award from SAE International, formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers. This award, which was established to recognize outstanding speakers at SAE technical sessions, places Magnus in the top 5% of SAE oral presenters for 2013. Based on evaluations submitted...
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Sandia analysis of tradeoffs across light-duty vehicle fleet power trains, fuels, and energy sources appears in the journal Energy Policy
Post, August 14, 2012 • Sandia researchers conducted a parametric analysis to examine the supply demand interactions between the US light-duty vehicle (LDV) fleet, its fuels, and the corresponding primary energy sources through 2050. The analysis emphasizes competition between conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, including hybrids, and electric vehicles (EVs), represented by both plug-in...