Habib Najm

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ACME: Climate Modeling Powered by DOE Supercomputers, Tamed by Uncertainty Quantification

Post, September 22, 2014 • Facing increasing evidence of climate change, scientists around the world are working to improve climate modeling, hoping to provide decision makers solid projections to guide the development of mitigating policies. Khachik Sargsyan is leading a Sandia effort to strengthen climate models through uncertainty quantification (UQ) for the Accelerated Climate Model...

February CRF Visitor Departures

Post, April 17, 2014 • Xiaoying Han Xiaoying Han 2/3/2014-2/14/2014 Host: Habib Najm As part of an ongoing collaboration with Habib Najm, Professor Xiaoying Han of Auburn University (Alabama) returned to the CRF to continue research on methods for model reduction in stochastic chemical systems. Prof. Han’s work is focused on developing a theoretical framework...

Habib Najm, Lyle Pickett, and Chris Carlen receive 2014 CRF awards

Post, November 25, 2014 • Robert Barlow, left, was awarded the Combustion Institute’s Alfred C. Edgerton Gold Medal. To his right are this year’s CRF awards recipients, Lyle Pickett, Habib Najm, and Chris Carlen, who were chosen by their peers. (Photos by Dino Vournas) The CRF is proud to announce Habib Najm as the winner...

Students and Professors Spend the Summer at Sandia under DOE’s WDTS Program

Post, August 20, 2014 • This past summer, the CRF was the research home to 11 students and 2 professors who participated in the DOE Office of Science's Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) Program. By allowing students and professors to conduct research internships at national laboratories, this program is helping to develop the...

Uncertainty Quantification in Chemical Systems with Reaction Mechanisms Employing Rate Rules

Post, January 16, 2014 • A team of researchers—Jens Prager, formerly at the CRF and presently at the engineering simulation software firm CD-adapco; Habib Najm and Khachik Sargsyan of the CRF; Cosmin Safta of Sandia’s Computer Sciences and Information Systems center; and William Pitz of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory—have studied the impact of uncertainty of...