Post, January 13, 2017 • by Michael Padilla Sandia National Laboratories has formed an industry-funded Spray Combustion Consortium to better understand fuel injection by developing modeling tools. Control of fuel sprays is key to the development of clean, affordable fuel-efficient engines. Intended for industry, software vendors and national laboratories, the consortium provides a direct path...
sandia national laboratories
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Understanding hazardous combustion byproducts reduces factors impacting climate change
Post, August 30, 2016 • Sandia researchers focus on soot, furans, oxygenated hydrocarbons By Michael Padilla Researchers at Sandia’s Combustion Research Facility are developing the understanding necessary to build cleaner combustion technologies that will in turn reduce climate impact. Their work focuses on understanding the oxidation chemistry of organic carbon species critical to many processes...
Watching molecules move
Post, September 29, 2017 • Velocity-Mapped Ion Imaging hits 30 years of research at SandiaBy Michael PadillaThirty years ago, David Chandler (8300) built an apparatus at Sandia’s Combustion Research Facility to image the fragments of a molecule as it fell apart. At the time, David had no idea what a tremendous impact his research would...
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