A number of CRF staff members are active in organizing the 35th International Symposium on Combustion. This biennial event, which brings together more than 1,000 scientists, engineers, and others from around the world to explore the latest developments in combustion science, will be held from August 3–8, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero in San Francisco, California.
Sandia’s Christopher Shaddix, Jackie Chen, and Melissa Betz are working with other local combustion researchers to organize this event.
In addition, Sandians are helping plan several related workshops held either before or during the main symposium. To meet the goal of fostering collaborative research, workshop organizers encourage the participation of specialists actively working in the focus area. Some details on these workshops follow:
TNF12: Twelfth International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Flames
July 31–August 2, 2014
Hilton Hotel in Pleasanton, California
Sandia organizer: Robert Barlow
This workshop series facilitates collaboration among experimental and computational researchers to better understand turbulent combustion phenomena in gaseous flames with well-defined boundary conditions and to accelerate predictive model development. Topics for TNF12 include turbulence-chemistry interaction in partially premixed and stratified flames, using temporally resolved data, and quality assessment in large eddy simulation.
ISF: 2nd International Sooting Flame Workshop
August 2–3, 2014
Hilton Hotel in Pleasanton, California
Sandia organizer: Christopher Shaddix
Experimenters and modelers will come together at this workshop to help identify common research priorities in developing and validating accurate, predictive models of flames with soot and to coordinate research programs to address these priorities. The forum is building a database of selected flames with soot that are suitable for model development and validation, as well as relevant to practical application
CBC: International Workshop on Measurement and Simulation of Coal and Biomass Conversion
August 5, 2014
Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, San Francisco, California
Sandia organizer: Christopher Shaddix
The inaugural CBC workshop will explore numeric and experimental approaches that can lead to cleaner and more efficient conversion of biomass and coal during gasification or combustion. Participants will focus on building fundamental science through laboratory experiments, which in turn provide reliable data that can advance modeling.
2nd International Flame Chemistry Workshop
August 2–3, 2014
Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, San Francisco, California
Sandia organizer: Nils Hansen
Experts in combustion chemistry, flames, kinetic modeling, and diagnostics will work to identify gaps in predictive high-pressure flame chemistry and establish a framework of collaborative research to fill those gaps. Ultimately, the research will help advance fundamental understanding of ignition and flame chemistry at extreme conditions to achieve accurate control of ignition, heat release rate, combustion instability, flame flashback, and emissions.