David L. Osborn
Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Gas Phase Chemical Physics

Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Gas Phase Chemical Physics
David’s research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of chemical reactions. To obtain the greatest level of detail, he often studies reactions that occur completely in the gas phase. More recently, he started a program to study the gas phase immediately above a reacting solid surface, such as in gas-solid heterogeneous catalysis. In this case, the temporal and spatial evolution of gas phase species may serve as a reporter of either surface chemistry or coupled chemistry that may occur in both the gas phase and on the surface.
In both homogeneous and heterogeneous experiments, he and his colleagues have developed powerful tools such as time-resolved infrared spectroscopy Multiplexed Photoionization Mass Spectrometry (MPIMS) and time-resolved PhotoElectron PhotoIon Coincidence spectroscopy (PEPICO). The tools provide universal, sensitive, and isomer-resolved global views of reactants, intermediates, and products of chemical reactions, and are most powerful when coupled with tunable vacuum ultraviolet radiation, which are traditionally provided by synchrotron light sources.
The rate coefficients and product branching ratios from kinetics work, or the quantum state product distributions from dynamics experiments, provide insight into the shape and energetics of the potential energy surfaces that ultimately control a chemical reaction. By defining and constraining the mechanisms of chemical reactions, we provide both specific reaction data for predictive chemical models, and general tests of theoretical approaches that can be applied to reactions where experiments are too difficult to perform. Although this foundational knowledge is the goal, results impact a wide range of fields in chemical physics, including photochemistry, chemical dynamics, combustion, atmospheric chemistry, planetary atmospheres, and heterogeneous catalysis.
Ph.D. | Physical Chemistry | University of California, Berkeley | 1996 |
S. B. | Chemistry | University of Chicago | 1991 |
Click here to read about our recent discovery of a new photodissociation channel in SO2 that may impact our understanding of Earth’s Great Oxygenation Event and the early Archean atmosphere (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 3084−3091)
Adjunct Full Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis | 2020 – present |
Acting Manager, Gas Phase Chemical Physics Department, Combustion Research Facility | 2020 |
Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility | 2013 – present |
Principal Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility | 2004 – 2013 |
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility | 1999 – 2004 |
National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellow, JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder; Advisor: Prof. Stephen R. Leone | 1997 – 1998 |
Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley; Supervisor: Prof. Daniel M. Neumark; Thesis: Photodissociation Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Free Radical Combustion Intermediates | 1996 |
S. B. Chemistry, University of Chicago; Advisor: Prof. Donald H. Levy | 1991 |
Research Interests
- Gas phase chemical dynamics and kinetics
- Photodissociation dynamics
- Time-resolved photoionization mass spectrometry
- Combustion chemistry
- Atmospheric chemistry
- Science education
Professional Organizations & Leadership
Journal of Physical Chemistry | Senior Editor | 2020 – present |
Western Spectroscopy Association | Member, Executive Committee | 2003 – 2012 |
Advanced Light Source, LBNL | – Member, Users’ Executive Committee – Chair, Users’ Executive Committee | 2009 – 2012; 2010 – 2011 |
Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy & Dynamics | Executive Chair | 2013 – 2017 |
33rd International Symposium on Free Radicals | Executive Chair | 2015 |
American Physical Society | – Fellow Selection Committee, Division of Chemical Physics – Secretary/Treasurer | 2016 – 2018; 2019 – 2021 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry & Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | Editorial Advisory Board | 2015 – 2018 |
American Chemical Society | Board Standing Committee, Petroleum Research Fund | 2019 – 2021 |
- American Physical Society, Division of Chemical Physics Fellow (2015)
- Lockheed Martin NOVA Award (2013)
- David Shirley Award for Outstanding Science, ALS (2012)
- Visiting Fellowship, JILA (2010)
- O. W. Adams Award for Outstanding Achievement in Combustion Science (2010)
- National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIST/JILA (1997)
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship (1991)
163. | “Conformer-dependent chemistry: Experimental product branching of the vinyl alcohol + OH + O2 reaction, D. Rösch, G. H. Jones, R. Almeida, R. L. Caravan, A. Hui, A. W. Ray, C. J. Percival, S. P. Sander, M. D. Smarte, F. A. F. Winiberg, M. Okumura, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127, 3221 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.3c00356 |
162. | “SO2 photodissociation at 193 nm directly forms S(3P) + O2(3Sg–): Implications for the Archean atmosphere on Earth, D. Rösch, Y. Xu, H. Guo, X. Hu, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2023), https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00077 |
161. | “Radical-radical reactions in molecular weight growth: The phenyl plus propargyl reaction, “T. M. Selby, F. Goulay, S. Soorkia, A. Ray, A. W. Jasper, S. J. Klippenstein, A. N Morozov, A. M. Mebel, J. D. Savee, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 127, 2577 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.2c08121 |
160. | “Formation of a resonance-stabilized radical intermediate by hydroxyl radical addition to cylopentadiene,” K. L. Caster, J. Lee, Z. Donnellan, T. M. Selby, D. L. Osborn, and F. Goulay, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126, 9031 (2022) 10.1021/acs.jpca.2c06934. |
159. | “Formation of organic acids and carbonyl compounds in n-butane oxidation via gamma-ketohydroperoxide decomposition,” D. M. Popolan-Vaida, A. J. Eskola, B. Rotavera, J. F. Lockyear, Z. D. Wang, S. M. Sarathy, R. L. Caravan, J. Zador, L. Sheps, A. Lucassen, K. Moshammer, P. Dagaut, D. L. Osborn, N. Hansen, S. R. Leone, and C. A. Taatjes, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 61, e202209168 (2022). |
158. | “Unimolecular isomerization of 1,5-hexadiyne observed by threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy, J. D. Savee, B. Sztaray, P. Hemberger, J. Zador, A. Bodi, and D. L. Osborn, Faraday Discussions 238, 645 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FD00028H |
157. | “High-Resolution Double Velocity Map Imaging Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectrometer for Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics,” D. Rösch, R. Almeida, B. Sztaray, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126, 1761 (2022), 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c10293 |
156. | “Dramatic Conformer-Dependent Reactivity of the Acetaldehyde Oxide Criegee Intermediate with Dimethylamine via a 1,2-Insertion Mechanism,” M. F. Vansco, M. Zou, I. A. Antonov, K. Ramasesha, B. Rotavera, D. L. Osborn, Y. Georgievskii, C. J. Percival, S. J. Klippenstein, C. A. Taatjes, M. I. Lester, and R. L. Caravan, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2021) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.1c08941 |
155. | “Near-Surface Gas-Phase Methoxymethanol Is Generated by Methanol Oxidation over Pd-Based Catalysis,” S. M. Gurses, T. Price, A. Zhang, J. H. Frank, N. Hansen, D. L. Osborn, A. Kulkarni, and C. X. Kronawitter, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 11252 (2021). |
154. | “A New Pathway for Intersystem Crossing: Unexpected Products in the O(3P) + Cyclopentene Reaction,” K. Ramasesha, J. D. Savee, J. Zador, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 9785 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.1c05817 |
153. | “Absolute Photoionization Cross Section of the Simplest Enol, Vinyl Alcohol,” D. Rösch, R. L. Caravan, C. A. Taatjes, K. Au, R. Almeida, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, (2021). doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.1c05825 |
152. | “Insertion products in the reaction of carbonyl oxide Criegee intermediates with acids: Chloro(hydroperoxy)methane formation from reaction of CH2OO with HCl and DCl,” C. A. Taatjes, R. L. Caravan, F. A. F. Winiberg, K. Zuraski, K. Au, L. Sheps, D. L. Osborn, L. Vereecken, and C. J. Percival, Molecular Physics 119, (2021) DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2021.1975199 |
151. | “Product Detection of the CH(X 2P) Radical Reaction with Cyclopentadiene: A Novel Route to Benzene,” K. L. Caster, T. M. Selby, D. L. Osborn, S. D. Le Picard, and F. Goulay, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 6927 (2021). |
150. | “The low-lying electronic states of NO2: Potential Energy and Dipole Surfaces, Bound States, and Electronic Absorption Spectrum,” S. Ndengue, E. Quntas-Sanchez, R. Dawes, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 5519 (2021) |
149. | “Functionalized Hydroperoxide Formation from the Reaction of Methacrolein-Oxide, an Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediate, with Formic Acid: Experiment and Theory,” M. F. Vansco, K. Zuraski, F. A. F. Winiberg, K. Au, N. Trongsiriwat, P. J. Walsh, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, S. J. Klippenstein, C. A. Taatjes, M. I. Lester, R. L. Caravan, Molecules 26, 3058 (2021) |
148. | “Valence Photoionization and Autoionization of the Formyl Radical,” J. D. Savee, B. Sztaray, O. Welz, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 3874 (2021). doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.1c01775 |
147. | “Five vs. six membered-ring PAH products from reaction of o-methylphenyl radical and two C3H4 isomers,” O. J. Shiels, M. B. Prendergast, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, S. J. Blanksby, G. da Silva, and A. J. Trevitt, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 14913 (2021) DOI: 10.1039/d1cp01764k |
146. | “Primary photodissociation mechanisms of pyruvic acid on S1: observation of methylhydroxycarbene and its chemical reaction in the gas phase,” B. R. Samanta, R. Fernando, D. Roesch, H. Reisler, and D. L. Osborn, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 4107 (2021) DOI: 10.1039/D0CP06424F. |
145. | “Near-Surface Imaging of the Multicomponent Gas Phase above a Silver Catalyst during Partial Oxidation of Methanol,” B. Zhou, E. Huang, R. Almeida, S. Gurses, A. Ungar, J. Zetterberg, A. Kulkarni, C. X. Kronawitter, D. L. Osborn, N. Hansen, and J. H. Frank, ACS Catalysis 11, 155 (2021). https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.0c04396 |
144. | “Formic acid catalyzed isomerization and adduct formation of an isoprene-derived Criegee intermediate: experiment and theory, M. F. Vansco, R. L. Caravan, S. Pandit, K. Zuraski, F. A. F. Winiberg, K. Au, T. Bhagde, N. Trongsiriwat, P. J. Walsh, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, S. J. Klippenstein, C. A. Taatjes, M. I. Lester, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 26796 (2020). |
143. | “Isomer-dependent reaction mechanisms of cyclic ether intermediates: cis-2,3-dimethyloxirane and trans-2,3-dimethyloxirane,” A. C. Doner, M. M. Davis, A. L. Koritzke, M. G. Christianson, J. M. Turney, H. F. Schaefer, L. Sheps, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, B. Rotavera, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. DOI: 10.1002/kin.21429 (2020). |
142. | “Reaction mechanisms of a cyclic ether intermediate: ethyloxirane,” M. G. Christianson, A. C. Doner, M. M. Davis, A. L. Koritzke, J. M. Turney, H. F. Schaefer, L. Sheps, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, B. Rotavera, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. DOI: 10.1002/kin.21423 (2020). |
141. | “Looking at the bigger picture: Identifying the photoproducts of pyruvic acid at 193nm,” B. R. Samanta, R. Fernando, D. Rösch, H. Reisler, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Chemical Physics. 153, 074307 (2020). |
140. | “The impact of the third O2 addition reaction network on ignition delay times of neo-pentane,” N. Hansen, G. Kukkadapu, B. Chen, S. Dong, J. J. Curran, C. A. Taatjes, A. J. Eskola, D. L. Osborn, L. Sheps, W. J. Pitz, K. Moshammer, A. W. Jasper, W. Chen, J. Yang, and Z. Wang, Proc. Comb. Institute (2020). |
139. | “Experimental evidence of dioxole unimolecular decay pathway for isoprene-derived Criegee intermediates,” M. F. Vansco, R. L. Caravan, K. Zuraski, F. A. F. Winiberg, K. Au, N. Trongsiriwat, P. J. Walsh, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, M.A.H. Khan, D. E. Shallcross, C. A. Taatjes, and M. I. Lester, J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 3542 (2020). |
138. | “Direct kinetic measurements and theoretical predictions of an isoprene-derived Criegee intermediate,” R. L. Caravan, M. F. Vansco, K. Au, M. A. H. Khan, Y. L. Li, F. A. F. Winiberg, K. Zuraski, Y. H. Lin, W. Chao, N. Trongsiriwat, P. J. Walsh, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, J. M. Lin, D. E. Shallcross, L. Sheps, S. J. Klippenstein, C. A. Taatjes, and M. I. Lester, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1916711117, (2020). |
137. | “Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy and Dynamics,” J. E. Kim and D. L. Osborn, J. Phys. Chem A 123, 7543 (2019). |
136. | “Product detection study of the gas-phase oxidation of methylphenyl radicals using synchrotron photoionisation mass spectrometry,” M. B. Prendergast, B. B. Kirk, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, P. Hemberger, S. J. Blanksby, G. da Silva, and A. J. Trevitt, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 17939 (2019). |
135. | “Influence of the Ether Functional Group on Ketohydroperoxide Formation in Cyclic Hydrocarbons: Tetrahydropyran and Cyclohexane,” J. C. Davis, A. Koritzke, R. L. Caravan, I. Antonov, M. G. Christianson, A. C. Doner, D. L. Osborn, L. Sheps, C. A, and B. Rotavera, J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 3634 (2019). |
134. | “Experimental and computational studies of Criegee intermediate reactions with NH3 and CH3NH2,” R. Chhantyal-Pun, R. J. Shannon, D. P. Tew, R. L. Caravan, M. Duchi, C. Wong, A. Ingham, C. Feldman, M. R. Gillen, M. H. Khan, I. Antonov, B. Rotavera, K. Ramasesha, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, C. J. Percival, D. E. Shallcross, and A. J. Orr-Ewing, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 14042 (2019). |
133. | “To Boldly Look Where No One Has Looked Before: Identifying the Primary Photoproducts of Acetylacetone,” I. Antonov, K. Voronova, M. W. Chen, B. Sztaray, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, D. L. Osborn, and L. Sheps, J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 5472 (2019). |
132. | “Product detection of the CH radical reactions with ammonia and methyl-substituted amines,” J. Bourgalais, K. L. Caster, O. Durif, D. L. Osborn, S. D. Le Picard, and F. Goulay, J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 2178 (2109). |
131. | “Reaction of perfluorooctanoic acid with Criegee intermediates and implications for the atmospheric fate of perfluorocarboxylic acids,” C. A. Taatjes, M. A. H. Khan, A. J. Eskola, C. J. Percival, D. L. Osborn, T. J. Wallington, and D. E. Shallcross, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 53, 1245 (2019). |
130. | “QOOH-mediated reactions in cylcohexene oxidation,” A. L. Kortizke, J. C. Davis, R. L. Caravan, M. G. Christianson, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and B. Rotavera, Proc. Combust. Inst. 37, 323 (2019). |
129. | “Direct kinetics study of CH2OO + methyl vinyl ketone and CH2OO + methacrolein reactions and an upper limit determination for CH2OO + CO reaction,” A. J. Eskola, M. Dontgen, B. Rotavera, R. L. Caravan, O. Welz, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, D. E. Shallcross, C. J. Percival, and C. A. Taatjes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 19373 (2018). |
128. | “Criegee intermediate reactions with carboxylic acids: a potential source of secondary organic aerosol in the Atmosphere,” R. Chhantyal-Pun, B. Rotavera, M. R. McGillen, M.A.H. Khan, A. J. Eskola, R. L. Caravan, L. Blacker, D. P. Tew, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, C. A. Taatjes, D. E. Shallcross, and A. J. Orr-Ewing, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2, 833 (2018). |
127. | “Photo-tautomerization of acetaldehyde as a photochemical source of formic acid in the troposphere,” M. F. Shaw, B. Sztaray, L. K. Whalley, D. E. Heard, D. B. Millet, M. J. T. Jordan, D. L. Osborn, and S. H. Kable, Nature Communications 9, 2584 (2018). |
126. | “Vacuum ultraviolet photoionization cross section of the hydroxyl radical,” L. G. Dodson, J. D. Savee, S. Gozem, L. Shen, A. I. Krylov, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and M. Okumura, Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 184302 (2018). |
125. | “The reaction of OH with CH3OO is not a major source of atmospheric methanol,” R. L. Caravan, M. A. H. Khan, J. Zador, L. Sheps, I. O. Antonov, B. Rotavera, K. Ramasesha, K. Au, M. W. Chen, D. Roesch, D. L. Osborn, C. Fittschen, C. Schoemaecker, M. Duncianu, A. Grira, S. Dusanter, A. Tomas, C. J. Percival, D. E. Shallcross, and C. A. Taatjes, Nature Communications 9, 4343 (2018). |
124. | “Study of the low temperature chlorine atom initiated oxidation of methyl and ethyl butyrate using synchrotron photoionization TOF-mass spectrometry,” J. Czekner, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and G. Meloni, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 5785 (2018). |
123. | “Radical Thermometers, Thermochemistry, and Photoelectron Spectra: A Photoelectron Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy Study of the Methyl Peroxy Radical,” K. Voronova, K. M. Ervin, K. G. Torma, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, T. Gerber, D. L. Osborn, and B. Sztaray, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 534 (2018). |
122. | “Products of Criegee intermediate reactions with NO2: experimental measurements and tropospheric implications,” R. L. Caravan, M. A. H. Khan, B. Rotavera, E. Papajak, I. O. Antonov, M. W. Chen, K. Au, W. Chao, D. L. Osborn, J.J.M. Lin, C. J. Percival, D. E. Shallcross, and C. A. Taatjes, Faraday Discussions 200, 313 (2017). |
121. | “The reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with water dimer: primary products and atmospheric impact,” L. Sheps, B. Rotavera, A. J. Eskola, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, K. Au, D. E. Shallcross, M. A. H. Khan, and C. J. Percival, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 21970 (2017). |
120. | “Time-resolved measurements of product formation in the low-temperature (550 – 675 K) oxidation of neopentane: a probe to investigate chain-branching mechanism,” A. J. Eskola, I. O. Antonov, L. Sheps, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 13731 (2017). |
119. | “CRF-PEPICO: Double velocity map imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy for reaction kinetics studies,” B. Sztaray, K. Voronova, K. G. Torma, K. J. Covert, A. Bodi, P. Hemberger, T. Gerber, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 013944 (2017). |
118. | “Infrared spectra of gas-phase 1- and 2-propenol isomers,” M. F. Shaw, D. L. Osborn, M. J. T. Jordan, and S. H. Kable, J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 3679 (2017). |
117. | “Reactions of atomic carbon with butene isomers: implications for molecular growth in carbon-rich environments,” J. Bourgalais, M. Spencer, D. L. Osborn, F. Goulay, S. D. Le Picard, J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 9138 (2016). |
116. | “Direct measurements of unimolecular and bimolecular reaction kinetics of the Criegee intermediate (CH3)2COO,” R. Chhantyal-Pun, O. Welz, J. D. Savee, A. J. Eskola, E. P. F. Lee, L. Blacker, H. Hill, M. Ashcroft, M. A. Khan, G. Lloyd-Jones, L. Evans, B. Rotavera, H. Huang, D. L. Osborn, D. Mok, J. M. Dyke, D. E. Shallcross, C. Percival, A. J. Orr-Ewing, and C. A. Taatjes, J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 4 (2017). |
115. | “Hydroxyacetone production from C3 Criegee intermediates,” C. A. Taatjes, F. Liu, B. Rotavera, M. Kumar, R. L. Caravan, D. L. Osborn, W. H. Thompson, M. I. Lester, J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 16 (2017). |
114. | “Resonance stabilization effects on ketone autoxidation: isomer-specific cyclic ether and ketohydroperoxide formation in the low-temperature (400 – 625 K) oxidation of diethyl ketone,” A. M. Scheer, A. J. Eskola, D. L. Osborn, L. Sheps, C. A. Taatjes, J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 8625 (2016) |
113. | “Laser-driven hydrothermal process studied with excimer laser pulses,” R. Mariella Jr., A. Rubenchik, E. Fong, M. Norton, W. Hollingsworth, J. Clarkson, H. Johnsen, and D. L. Osborn, J. Appl. Phys. 122, 075104 (2017). |
112. | “Reaction mechanisms on multiwell potential energy surfaces in combustion (and atmospheric) chemistry,” D. L. Osborn, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 68, 233 (2017). |
111. | “Breaking through the false coincidence barrier in electron-ion coincidence experiments,” D. L. Osborn, C. C. Hayden, P. Hemberger, A. Bodi, K. Voronova, and B. Sztaray, Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 164202 (2016). |
110. | “Pressure-dependent competition among reaction pathways from first- and second-O2 additions in the low-temperature oxidation of tetrahydrofuran,” I. O. Antonov, J. Zador, B. Rotavera, E. Papajak, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and L. Sheps, J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 6582 (2016). |
109. | “Influence of oxygenation in cyclic hydrocarbons on chain-termination reactions from R + O2: tetrahydropyran and cyclohexane,” B. Rotavera, J. D. Savee, I. O. Antonov, R. L. Caravan, L. Sheps, D. L. Osborn, J. Zador, and C. A. Taatjes, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36, 597 (2017). |
108. | “Formation and stability of gas-phase o-benzoquinone from oxidation of ortho-hydroxyphenyl: a combined neutral and distonic radical study,” M. B. Prendergast, B. B. Kirk, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, K. S. Masters, S. J. Blanksby, G. da Silva, A. J. Trevitt, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 4320 (2016). |
107. | “Low temperature chlorine-initiated oxidation of small-chain methyl esters: quantification of chain-terminating HO2-elimination channels,” G. Muller, A. Scheer, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and G. Meloni, J. Phys. Chem. A 120, 1677 (2016). |
106. | “Photoelectron wave function in photoionization: plane wave or coulomb wave?” S. Gozem, A. O. Gunina, T. Ichino, D. L. Osborn, J. F. Stanton, and A. I. Krylov, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 4532 (2015). |
105. | “The C(3P) + NH3 reaction in interstellar chemistry. I. Investigation of the product formation channels,” J. Bourgalais, M. Capron, R.K.A. Kailasanathan, D. L. Osborn, K. M. Hickson, J. C. Loison, V. Wakelam, F. Goulay, and S. D. Le Picard, Astrophys. J., 812, 106 (2015). |
104. | “Flow tube studies of the C(3P) reactions with ethylene and propylene,” M. Capron, J. Bourgalais, R.K.A. Kailasanathan, D. L. Osborn, S. D. Le Picard, and F. Goulay, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 23833 (2015). |
103. | “Molecular weight growth in Titan’s atmosphere: branching pathways for the reaction of 1-propynyl radical (H3CCºC·) with small alkenes and alkynes,” B. B. Kirk, J. D. Savee, A. J. Trevitt, D. L. Osborn, and K. R. Wilson, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 20754 (2015). |
102. | “Time- and Isomer-Resolved Measurements of Sequential Addition of Acetylene to the Propargyl Radical,” J. D. Savee, T. M. Selby, O. Welz, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 4153 (2015). |
101. | “Multiscale Informatics for Low-Temperature Propane Oxidation: Further Complexities in Studies of Complex Reactions,” M. P. Burke, C. F. Goldsmith, S. J. Klippenstein, O. Welz, H. Huang, I. O. Antonov, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, J. Zador, C. A. Taatjes, and L. Sheps, J. Phys Chem. A 119, 7095 (2015). |
100. | “New insights into low-temperature oxidation of propane from synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry and multiscale informatics modeling,” O. Welz, M. P. Burke, I. O. Antonov, C. F. Goldsmith, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, S. J. Klippenstein, and L. Sheps, J. Phys. Chem. A 119, 7116 (2015). |
99. | “The physical chemistry of Criegee intermediates in the gas phase,” D. L. Osborn and C. A. Taatjes, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 34, 309 (2015). |
98. | “Multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry investigation of the O(3P) + propyne reaction,” J. D. Savee, S. Borkar, O. Welz, B. Sztáray, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, J. Phys. Chem. A 119, 7388 (2015). |
97. | “Low temperature (550-700 K) oxidation pathways of cyclic ketones: dominance of HO2-elimination channels yielding conjugated cyclic coproducts,” A. M. Scheer, O. Welz, S. S. Vasu, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 12124 (2015). |
96. | “Synchrotron-based double imaging photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy of radicals produced in a flow tube: OH and OD,” G. A. Garcia, X. F. Tang, J. F. Gil, L. Nahon, M. Ward, S. Batut, C. Fittschen, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and J. C. Loison, Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 164201 (2015). |
95. | “VUV photoionization cross sections of HO2, H2O2, and H2CO,” L. G. Dodson, L. H. Shen, J. D. Savee, N. C. Eddingsaas, O. Welz, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, S. P. Sander, and M. Okumura, J. Phys. Chem. A 119, 1279 (2015). |
94. | “Formation of fulvene in the reaction of C2H with 1,3-butadiene,” J. F. Lockyear, M. Fournier, I. R. Sims, J. C. Guilemin, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and S. R. Leone, Int. J. Mass Spec. 378, 232 (2015). |
93. | “Threshold photoelectron spectrum of the benzyl radical,” J. D. Savee, J. Zádor, P. Hemberger, B. Sztáray, A. Bodi, and D. L. Osborn, Mol. Phys. 113, 2217 (2015). |
92. | “Chlorine atom-initiated low-temperature oxidation of prenol and isoprenol: The effect of C=C double bonds on the peroxy radical chemistry in alcohol oxidation,” O. Welz, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 401 (2015). |
91. | “Direct observation and kinetics of a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (QOOH),” J. D. Savee, E. Papajak, B. Rotavera, H. Huang, A. J. Eskola, O. Welz, L. Sheps, C. A. Taatjes, J. Zador, and D. L. Osborn, Science 347, 643 (2015). |
90. | “Photoionization Mass Spectrometeric Measurements of Initial Reaction Pathways in Low-Temperature Oxidation of 2,5-Dimethylhexane,” B. Rotavera, J. Zador, O. Welz, L. Sheps, A. M. Scheer, J. D. Savee, M. A. Ali, T. S. Lee, B. A. Simmons, D. L. Osborn, A. Violi, and C. A. Taatjes, J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 10188 (2014). |
89. | “Correction to Facile Rearrangement of 3-oxoalkyl radicals is evident in low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of ketones,” A. M. Scheer, O. Welz, D. Y. Sasaki, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 8486 (2014). |
88. | “Synchrotron photoionization study of mesitylene oxidation initiated by reaction with Cl (2P) or O(3P) radicals,” M. Y. Ng, J. Nelson, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and G. Meloni, J. Phys. Chem. A 118, 3735 (2014). |
87. | “Probing the low-temperature chain-branching mechanism of n-butane autoignition chemistry via time-resolved measurements of ketohydroperoxide formation in photolytically initiated n-C4H10 oxidation,” A. J. Eskola, O. Welz, J. Zador, I. O. Antonov, L. Sheps, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 291 (2015). |
86. | “Influence of temperature and resonance-stabilization on the ortho- effect in cymene oxidation,” B. Rotavera, A. M. Scheer, H. Huang, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 543 (2015). |
85. | “In situ soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy of flames,” J. H. Frank, A. Shavorskiy, H. Bluhm, B. Coriton, E. Huang, and D. L. Osborn, Appl. Phys. B 117, 493 (2014). |
84. | “Electronic states of the quasilinear molecule propargylene (HCCCH) from negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy,” D. L. Osborn, K. M. Vogelhuber, S. W. Wren, E. M. Miller, Y. J. Lu, A. S. Case, L. Sheps, R. J. McMahon, J. F. Stanton, L. B. Harding, B. Ruscic, and W. C. Lineberger, Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 10361 (2014). |
83. | “Low-Temperature Combustion Chemistry of Novel Biofuels: Resonance-Stabilized QOOH in the Oxidation of Diethyl Ketone,” A. M. Scheer, O. Welz, J. Zádor, D. L. Osborn and C. A. Taatjes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 13027 (2014). |
82. | “Rate Coefficients of Criegee Intermediate (CH2OO and CH3CHOO) Reactions with Formic and Acetic Acid Near the Collision Limit: Direct Kinetics Measurements and Atmospheric Implications,” O. Welz, A. J. Eskola, L. Sheps, B. Rotavera, J. D. Savee, A. M. Scheer, D. L. Osborn, D. Lowe, A. M. Booth, P. Xiao, M. A. H. Khan, C. J. Percival, D. E. Shallcross, and C. A. Taatjes, Angew. Chem. 53, 4547(2014). |
81. | “A coordinated investigation of the combustion chemistry of diisopropyl ketone, a prototype for biofuels produced by endophytic fungi,” J.W. Allen, A.M. Scheer, C. Gao, S.S. Merchant, S.S. Vasu, O. Welz, J.D. Savee, D.L. Osborn, C. Lee, S. Vranckx, Z. Wang, F. Qi, R.X. Fernandes, W.H. Green, M.Z. Hadi, and C.A. Taatjes, Combustion and Flame 161, 711 (2014). |
80. | “Synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry measurements of product formation in low-temperature n-butane oxidation: towards fundamental understanding of autoignition chemistry and n-C4H9 + O2 / s-C4H9 + O2 reactions,” A. J. Eskola, O. Welz, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 12216 (2013). |
79. | “Low-temperature combustion chemistry of n-butanol: principal oxidation pathways of hydroxy butyl radicals,” O. Welz, J. Zador, J. D. Savee, L. Sheps, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, J. Phys Chem. A 117, 11983 (2013). |
78. | “Isomer specific product detection in the reaction of CH with acrolein,” J. F. Lockyear, O. Welz, J. D. Savee, F. Goulay, A. J. Trevitt, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and S. R. Leone, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 11013 (2013). |
77. | “Mass-resolved isomer-selective chemical analysis with imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy,” A. Bodi, P. Hemberger, D. L. Osborn, and B. Sztaray, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 2948 (2013). |
76. | “Product branching fractions of the CH + propene reaction from synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry,” A. J. Trevitt, M. B. Prendergast, F. Goulay, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and S. R. Leone, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 6450 (2013). |
75. | “Regional and global impacts of Criegee intermediates on atmospheric aerosol formation,” C. J. Percival, O. Welz, A. J. Eskola, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, D. O. Topping, D. Lowe, S. R. Utembe, A. Bacak, G. McFiggans, M. C. Cooke, P. Xiao, A. T. Archibald, M. E. Jenkin, R. G. Derwent, I. Riipinen, D. W. K. Mol, E. P. F. Lee, J. M. Dyke, C. A. Taatjes, and D. E. Shallcross, Faraday Discussions 165, 45 (2013). |
74. | “Absolute photoionization cross-section of the vinyl radical,” J. D. Savee, J. F. Lockyear, S. Borkar, A. J. Eskola, O. Welz, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 056101 (2013). |
73. | “Facile rearrangement of 3-oxoalkyl radicals is evident in low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of ketones,” A. M. Scheer, O. Welz, D. Y. Sasaki, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 14256 (2013). |
72. | “Absolute photoionization cross-sections of selected furanic and lactonic potential biofuels,” J. Czekner, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and G. Meloni, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 348, 39 (2013). |
71. | “Directly measuring reaction kinetics of QOOH—a crucial but elusive intermediate in hydrocarbon autoignition,” J. Zador, H. Huang, O. Welz, J. Zetterberg, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 10753 (2013). |
70. | “Direct measurements of conformer-dependent reactivity of the Criegee intermediate CH3CHOO,” C. A. Taatjes, O. Welz, A. J. Eskola, J. D. Savee, A. M. Scheer, D. E. Shallcross, B. Rotavera, E. P. F. Lee, J. M. Dyke, D. K. W. Mol, D. L. Osborn, and C. J. Percival, Science 340, 177 (2013). |
69. | “Formation of dimethylketene and methacrolein by reaction of the CH radical with acetone,” F. Goulay, A. Derakhshan, E. Maher, A. J. Trevitt, J. D. Savee, A. M. Scheer, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 4049 (2013). |
68. | “Phototautomerization of Acetaldehyde to Vinyl Alcohol: A Primary Process in UV-Irradiated Acetaldehyde from 295 to 335 nm,” A. E. Clubb, M. J. T. Jordan, S. H. Kable, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 3522 (2012). |
67. | “Thermal decomposition of CH3CHO studied by matrix infrared spectroscopy and photoionization mass spectroscopy,” A. K. Vasiliou, K. M. Piech, B. Reed, X. Zhang, M. R. Nimlos, M. Ahmed, A. Golan, O. Kostko, D. L. Osborn, D. E. David, K. N. Urness, J. W. Daily, J. W. Stanton, and G. B. Ellison, Journal of Chemical Physics 137, 164308 (2012). |
66. | “Synchrotron photoionization measurements of fundamental autoignition reactions: Product formation in low-temperature isobutane oxidation,” A. J. Eskola, O. Welz, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Proc. Combust. Inst., 34, 385 (2013). |
65. | “Low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels: Pathways in the low-temperature (550 – 700 K) oxidation chemistry of isobutanol and tert-butanol,” O. Welz, J. D. Savee, A. J. Eskola, L. Sheps, D. L. Osborn, and C. A Taatjes, Proc. Combust. Inst., 34, 493 (2013). |
64. | “Product Detection of the CH Radical Reaction with Acetaldehyde,” F. Goulay, A. J. Trevitt, J. D. Savee, J. Bouwman, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, K. R. Wilson, and S. R. Leone, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116, 6091 (2012). |
63. | “Synchrotron photoionization measurements of OH-initiated cyclohexene oxidation: ring-preserving products in the OH + cyclohexene and hydroxycyclohexyl + O2 reactions,” A. W. Ray, C. A. Taatjes, O. Welz, D. L. Osborn, and G. Meloni, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116, 6720 (2012). |
62. | “New mechanistic insights to the O(3P) + propene reaction from multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry,” J. D. Savee, O. Welz, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 10410 (2012) |
61. | “Spectroscopy of the simplest Criegee intermediate CH2OO: simulation of the first bands in its electronic and photoelectron spectra,” E. P. F. Lee, D. K. W. Mol, D. E. Shallcross, C. J. Percival, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and J. M. Dyke, Chemistry – A European Journal 18, 12411 (2012). |
60. | “Direct measurement of Criegee intermediate (CH2OO) reactions with acetone, acetaldehyde, and hexafluoroacetone,” C. A. Taatjes, O. Welz, A. J. Eskola, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, E. P. F. Lee, J. M. Dyke, D. W. K. Mok, D. E. Shallcross, and C. J. Percival, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 10391 (2012). |
59. | “Absolute photoionization cross-section of the propargyl radical,” J. D. Savee, S. Soorkia, O. Welz, T. M. Selby, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 134307 (2012). |
58. | “Ground and low-lying excited states of propadienylidene (H2C=C=C:) obtained by negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy,” J. F. Stanton, E. Garand, J. Kim, T.I. Yacovitch, C. Hock, A. S. Case, E. M. Miller, Y. J. Lu, K. M. Vogelhuber, S. W. Wren, T. Ichino, J. P. Maier, R. J. McMahon, D. L. Osborn, D. M. Neumark, and W. C. Lineberger, Journal of Chemical Physics 136, 134312 (2012). |
57. | “Low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels: pathways in the initial low-temperature (550 – 750K) oxidation chemistry of isopentanol,” O. Welz, J. Zador, J.D. Savee, M. Y. Ng, G. Meloni, R.X. Fernandes, L. Sheps, B. A. Simmons, T. S. Lee, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 3112 (2012). |
56. | “Direct kinetic measurements of the Criegee intermediate (CH2OO) formed by reaction of CH2I with O2,” O. Welz, J. D. Savee, D. L. Osborn, S. S. Vasu, C. J. Percival, D. E. Shallcross, and C. A. Taatjes, Science 335, 204 (2012). |
55. | “Absolute photoionization cross-sections of some combustion intermediates,” B. Yang, J. Wang, T. A. Cool, N. Hansen, S. Skeen, and D. L. Osborn, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 309, 118 (2012). |
54. | “Branching fractions of the CN + C3H6 reaction using synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry: evidence for the 3-cyanopropene product,” A. J. Trevitt, S. Soorkia, J. D. Savee, T. S. Selby, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, S. R. Leone, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 13467 (2011). |
53. | “Detection of pentatetraene by reaction of the ethynyl radical (C2H) with allene (CH2=C=CH2) at room temperature,” F. Goulay, S. Soorkia, G. Meloni, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and S. R. Leone, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13, 20820 (2011). |
52. | “The products of the thermal decomposition of CH3CHO,” A. Vasiliou, K. M. Piech, X. Zhang, M. R. Nimlos, M. Ahmed, A. Golan, O. Kostko, D. L. Osborn, J. W. Daily, J. F. Stanton, and G. B. Ellison, Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 014306 (2011). |
51. | “Infrared emission following photolysis of methylisothiocyanate and methylthiocyanate,” E. A. Wade, J. L. Pore, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115, 5319 (2011). |
50. | “Near-threshold H/D exchange in CD3CHO photodissociation,” B. R. Heazlewood, A. T. Maccarone, D. U. Andrews, D. L. Osborn, L. B. Harding, S. J. Klippenstein, M. J. T. Jordan, and S. H. Kable, Nature Chemistry 3, 443 (2011). |
49. | “Direct detection of pyridine formation by the reaction of CH (CD) with pyrrole: a ring expansion reaction,” S. Soorkia, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, T. M. Selby, A. J. Trevitt, K. R. Wilson, and S. R. Leone, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12, 8750 (2010). |
48. | “Reaction of the C2H radical with 1-butyne (C4H6): low-temperature kinetics and isomer-specific product detection,” S. Soorkia, A. J. Trevitt, T. M. Selby, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, K. R. Wilson, and S. R. Leone, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 3340 (2010). |
47. | “Products of the benzene + O(3P) reaction,” C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, T. M. Selby, G. Meloni, A. J. Trevitt, E. Epifanovsky, A. I. Krylov, B. Sirjean, E. Dames, and H. Wang, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 3355 (2010). |
46. | “Isomer-selective study of the OH initiated oxidation of isoprene in the presence of O2 and NO. I. The minor inner OH-addition channel,” E. E. Greenwald, B. Ghosh, K. C. Anderson, K. S. Dooley, P. Zou, T. Selby, D. L. Osborn, G. Meloni, C. A. Taatjes, F. Goulay, and S. W. North, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 904 (2010). |
45. | “Reactions of the CN radical with benzene and toluene: product detection and low temperature kinetics” A. J. Trevitt, F. Goulay, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and S. R. Leone, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114, 1749 (2010). |
44. | “Isomer-specific product detection of CN radical reactions with ethene and propene by tunable VUV photoionization mass spectrometry,” A. J. Trevitt, F. Goulay, G. Meloni, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, and S. R. Leone, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 280, 113 (2009). |
43. | “Temperature-dependent kinetics of the vinyl radical (C2H3) self-reaction,” H. Ismail, P. R. Abel, W. H. Green, A. Fahr, L. E. Jusinski, A. M. Knepp, J. Zador, G. Meloni, T. M. Selby, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 1278 (2009). |
42. | “Cyclic versus linear isomers produced by reaction of the methylidyne radical (CH) with small unsaturated hydrocarbons,” F. Goulay, A. J. Trevitt, G. Meloni, T. M. Selby, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, L. Vereecken, and S. R. Leone, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 993 (2009). |
41. | “Enol Formation and Ring-Opening in OH-Initiated Oxidation of Cycloalkenes,” G. Meloni, T. M. Selby, and D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 13444 (2008). |
40. | “The multiplexed chemical kinetic photoionization mass spectrometer: a new approach to isomer-resolved chemical kinetics,” D. L. Osborn, P. Zou, H. Johnsen, C. C. Hayden, C. A. Taatjes, V. D. Knyazev, S. W. North, D. S. Peterka, M. Ahmed, and S. R. Leone, Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 104103 (2008). |
39. | “Synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry measurements of kinetics and product formation in the allyl radical (H2CCHCH2) self-reaction,” T. M. Selby, G. Meloni, F. Goulay, S. R. Leone, A. Fahr, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 9366 (2008). |
38. | “Absolute photoionization cross-section of the methyl radical,” C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, T. M. Selby, G. Meloni, H. Fan, and S. T. Pratt, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 9336 (2008). |
37. | “Roaming is the dominant mechanism for molecular products in acetaldehyde photodissociation,” B.R. Heazlewood, M.J.T. Jordan, S.H. Kable, T.M. Selby, D.L. Osborn, B. C. Shepler, B.J. Braams, and J.M. Bowman, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 12719 (2008). |
36. | “Direct Observation of the Gas-Phase Criegee Intermediate (CH2OO),” C. A. Taatjes, G. Meloni, T. M. Selby, A. J. Trevitt, D. L. Osborn, C. J. Percival, and D. E. Shallcross, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130, 11883 (2008). |
35. | “Imaging combustion chemistry via multiplexed synchrotron-photoionization mass spectrometry,” C. A. Taatjes, N. Hansen, D. L. Osborn, K. Koehse-Hoinghaus, T. A. Cool, P. R. Westmoreland, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 20 (2008). |
34. | “Ultraviolet photodissociation of vinyl iodide: understanding the halogen dependence of photodissociation mechanisms in vinyl halides,” P. Zou, K. E. Strecker, J. Ramirez-Serrano, L. E. Jusinski, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 713 (2008). |
33. | “Photoionization of 1-alkenylperoxy and Alkylperoxy radicals and a general rule for the stability of their cations,” G. Meloni, T. M. Selby, F. Goulay, S. R. Leone, D. L. Osborn, and C. A. Taatjes, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129, 14019 (2007). |
32. | “Exploring multiple reaction paths to a single product channel,” D. L. Osborn, Advances in Chemical Physics 138, 213 (2008). |
31. | “Direct detection of polyynes formation from the reaction of ethynyl radical (C2H) with propyne and allene.. ” F. Goulay, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, P. Zou, G. Meloni, and S. R. Leone, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9, 4291, (2007). |
30. | “Energy-resolved photoionization of alkylperoxy radicals and the stability of their cations” G. Meloni, P. Zou, S. J. Klippenstein, M. Ahmed, S. R. Leone, C. A. Taatjes, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of the American Chemical Society 128, 13559 (2006). |
29. | “Time-dependent infrared emission following photodissociation of nitromethane and chloropicrin” E. A. Wade, K. E. Reak, S. L. Li, S. M. Clegg, P. Zou, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110, 4405 (2006). |
28. | “Measurement of the sixth overtone band of nitric oxide, and its dipole moment function, using cavity-enhanced frequency modulation spectroscopy” J. Bood, A. McIlroy, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 084311 (2006). |
27. | “The vinyl + NO reaction: Determining the products with time-resolved Fourier transform spectroscopy” P. Zou, S. J. Klippenstein, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109, 4921 (2005). |
26. | “Synchrotron photoionization measurements of combustion intermediates: the photoionization efficiency of HONO” C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, T. A. Cool, and K. Nakajima, Chemical Physics Letters 394, 19 (2004). |
25. | “On the mechanism of the HCCO + O2 reaction: Probing multiple pathways to a single product channel” P. Zou and D. L. Osborn, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6, 1697 (2004). |
24. | “Photodissociation dynamics of dicyclopropyl ketone at 193 nm: isomerization of the cyclopropyl ligand” S. M. Clegg, B. F. Parsons, S. J. Klippenstein, and D. L. Osborn, Journal of Chemical Physics 119, 7222 (2003). |
23. | “Cavity-enhanced frequency modulation absorption spectroscopy of the sixth overtone band of nitric oxide.” J. Bood, A. McIlroy, and D. L. Osborn, Proc. SPIE 4962, 89 (2003). |
22. | “The reaction of HCCO + O2: experimental evidence of prompt CO2 by time-resolved Fourier transform spectroscopy” D. L. Osborn, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107, 3728 (2003). |
21. | “Laser-induced fragmentation fluorescence detection of the vinyl radical and acetylene” D. L. Osborn and J. H. Frank, Chemical Physics Letters 349, 43 (2001). |
20. | “Spectral and intensity dependence of spatially resolved two-photon conductivity defects on a GaAsP photodiode” D. L. Osborn and S. R. Leone, Journal of Applied Physics 89, 626 (2001). |
19. | “Spatially resolved femtosecond time correlation measurements on a GaAsP photodiode” W. Schade, J. Preusser, D. L. Osborn, Y. Y. Lee, J. deGouw, and S. R. Leone, Optics Communications 162, 200 (1999). |
18. | “Two-color cross-correlation of fs-laser pulses by two-photon induced photoconductivity for near and far field optical measurements” W. Schade, D. L. Osborn, and S. R. Leone, Optics Communications 150, 27 (1998). |
17. | “Imaging of semiconductor surface impurities by femtosecond near-field photoconductivity,” W. Schade, D. L. Osborn, J. Preusser, and S. R. Leone, OSA Technical Digest Series 7, 229 (1998). |
16. | “Photoelectron spectroscopy of CH3O– and CD3O–” D. L. Osborn, D. J. Leahy, E. H. Kim, E. deBeer, and D. M. Neumark, Chemical Physics Letters 292, 651 (1998). |
15. | “Nonstatistical unimolecular dissociation over a barrier” D. H. Mordaunt, D. L. Osborn, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 108, 2448 (1998). |
14. | “Photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of CH3O and CD3O” D. L. Osborn, D. J. Leahy, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 101, 6583 (1997). |
13. | “Photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of the HCCO free radical,” D. L. Osborn, H. Choi, D. H. Mordaunt, R. T. Bise, D. M. Neumark, and C. M. Rohlfing, Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 10087 (1997). |
12. | “Fast beam photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of the vinoxy radical,” D. L. Osborn, H. Choi, D. H. Mordaunt, R. T. Bise, D. M. Neumark, and C. M. Rohlfing, Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 3049 (1997). |
11. | “Photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of the vinoxy (CH2CHO) radical,” D. L. Osborn, H. Choi, and D. M. Neumark, Advances in Chemical Physics 101, 729 (1997). |
10. | “Ultraviolet photodissociation of the HCCO radical studied by fast radical beam photofragment translational spectroscopy,” D. H. Mordaunt, D. L. Osborn, H. Choi, R. T. Bise, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 6078 (1996). |
9. | “Photodissociation spectroscopy and dynamics of the N2O2- anion,” D. L. Osborn, D. J. Leahy, D. R. Cyr, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 104, 5026 (1996). |
8. | “Predissociation dynamics of the O2 B 3Sstate – vibrational state dependence of the product fine-structure distribution,” D. J. Leahy, D. L. Osborn, D. R. Cyr, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 103, 2495 (1995). |
7. | “Study of the predissociation of CH3O A (2A1) by fast beam photofragment translational spectroscopy,” D. L. Osborn, D. J. Leahy, E. M. Ross, and D. M. Neumark, Chemical Physics Letters 235, 484 (1995). |
6. | “Observation of the correlated O 3Pj1, O 3Pj2 state distribution from the predissociation of O2 B 3S,” D. J. Leahy, D. R. Cyr, D. L. Osborn, and D. M. Neumark, Chemical Physics Letters 216, 503 (1993). |
5. | “Fast beam photodissociation of the CH2NO2 radical,” D. R. Cyr, D. J. Leahy, D. L. Osborn, R. E. Continetti, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 8751 (1993). |
4. | “Photodissociation dynamics of the N3 radical,” R. E. Continetti, D. R. Cyr, D. L. Osborn, D. J. Leahy, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 2616 (1993). |
3. | “Fast beam studies of free radical photodissociation: the CH2NO2 radical,” D. J. Leahy, D. R. Cyr, D. L. Osborn, and D. M. Neumark, SPIE Proceedings 49 1858 (1993). |
2. | “Fast beam studies of NCO free radical photodissociation,” D. R. Cyr, R. E. Continetti, R. B. Metz, D. L. Osborn, and D. M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 97, 4937 (1992). |
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