Adding to the numerous citings of CRF papers in the past, two new examples confirm the value that others place on our work.
While visiting the website of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, a biennial publication at the forefront of combustion science, Sandia Senior Scientist John Dec of the Transportation Energy Center discovered that a paper he had written in 2008 is the most cited of all the papers in the Proceedings. Since publication, “Advanced Compression Ignition Engines – Understanding the In-Cylinder Processes” has been cited 128 times, most recently in two 2013 articles in Combustion and Flame, the journal of the Combustion Institute. For perspective, the Proceedings’ two next most cited papers have been cited 88 and 89 times.
John had a simple explanation for the article’s wide appeal. “It’s a review article that gives a good summary of work in this area that probably isn’t available elsewhere,” he said. What is somewhat surprising is the paper’s continued influence over five years. “At some point, an updated paper will appear, and this one will drop out of sight.”
Another article, “Two-dimensional gas-phase coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (2D-CARS): Simultaneous planar imaging and multiplex spectroscopy in a single laser shot,” has also garnered a significant audience since going online on June 12, 2013. Written by CRF researchers Alexis Bohlin, a postdoc appointee, and Chris Kliewer, who works in the Combustion Chemistry group and is the project’s principal investigator, the article placed 11th in Top 20 Most Read Articles of the Journal of Chemical Physics in June 2013.
Asked about the article’s popularity, Chris said, “It describes a new multidimensional technique, enabled by recent developments and discoveries from our lab, that has been a goal of laser diagnostics for more than 30 years. Researchers in many fields of science may find the concept interesting and potentially useful.”
In a letter, the Journal editor congratulated the researchers on their impressive accomplishment, and noted that the Journal of Chemical Physics ranks number one in total citations in the category of Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI).