
Results 101–125 of 288

DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences program managers visit the CRF

Post, June 26, 2012 • Program managers Dr. Wade Sisk and Dr. Mark Pederson of the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) made a recent visit to the CRF. Over their two-day visit, Dr. Sisk and Dr. Pederson met informally with managers of BES-funded projects. The BES program supports fundamental research to understand, predict,...

Doug Medlin

Staff Page • Materials Science. Biography Douglas Medlin is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, USA, where he has served since 1992.  Electron microscopy is a central tool for his research, which is broadly concerned with how the atomistic and mesoscale structure of interfaces controls...
Image of Doug Medlin

Download a Special Edition of the CRF News

Post, October 22, 2014 • Download a special edition of the CRF News. This printable pdf newsletter includes coverage of the 35th International Symposium on Combustion, Robert Barlow's Alfred C. Egerton Gold Medal from the Combustion Institute, the CRF's 2014 Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists Program, Dennis Seibers' retirement, and more.

Dynamics of Molecules in Excited States

Page • When molecules absorb visible or ultraviolet light, they are promoted to an excited state in which the electrons of the molecule occupy different orbitals. This process is critical not only to life on Earth (e.g., photosynthesis), but also to human interactions (e.g., vision). We seek to understand the fundamental details...

EERE Officials Visit CRF

Post, May 21, 2014 •   Paul Miles leads David Danielson, on the far left, and the rest of the group through the small-bore diesel/light-duty diesel laboratory. On April 14, officials from the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) visited the Combustion Research Facility. The guests included David Danielson, EERE Assistant Secretary;...

Elliot James Fuller

Staff Page • Materials Physics. Biography Elliot Fuller received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Irvine, where he worked under Prof. Phil Collins studying low-dimensional electronic systems including single walled carbon nanotubes. He accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in the Materials Physics department at Sandia National Laboratory in 2015 and...
Photo of Elliot Fuller

Energy Transfer Collisions

Page • Image of NO (A, J=7.5) after a collision of two molecular beams, one having NO seeded in He colliding with a beam on NO seeded in Ar. The NO in booth beams is excited into the A electronic state and the j=0 rotational state.  The He in one beam collides...

Engine Combustion

Page • The mission of the Engine Combustion Research group is to develop the science-based understanding needed by industry to design the next generation of advanced internal-combustion engines that use both conventional and alternative fuels. We develop a detailed, pre-competitive understanding of the dominant in-cylinder processes, providing guidance to engine designers who...

Ethan Hecht

Staff Page • Senior Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility. Biography Ethan S. Hecht is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the Combustion Research Facility at Sandia National Laboratories.  He has broad expertise in hydrogen energy systems.  He has led experimental investigations of (high pressure and cryogenic) hydrogen dispersion and...

ExaCT holds all-hands meeting at CRF

Post, June 8, 2013 • On May 14, the Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT) held its biannual all-hands meeting at the CRF. The meeting was attended by computer scientists, applied mathematicians and computational combustion scientists from ExaCT, and high-performance computing (HPC) vendors and computer scientists associated with DOE’s X-Stack program (aimed...

ExaCT offers “proxy apps”

Post, May 22, 2012 • This month, we debuted the new website for The Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT). The ExaCT group is actively developing a number of “proxy apps” that represent key aspects of structured-grid adaptive PDE-based combustion simulations. A subset of these proxy apps are available to the public....

ExaCT offers "proxy apps"

Post, May 22, 2012 • This month, we debuted the new website for The Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT). The ExaCT group is actively developing a number of “proxy apps” that represent key aspects of structured-grid adaptive PDE-based combustion simulations. A subset of these proxy apps are available to the public....

ExaCT Website Debuts

Post, May 8, 2012 • Last month we talked about Exascale Computing and Sandian Dr. Jackie Chen’s collaborative grant with Dr. John Bell of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to establish the Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT). Our new ExaCT website is now live and full of detailed information on the people,...

Exascale Catalytic Chemistry

Page • Sandia is developing pynta, a tool to explore reactions of adsorbates on crystal facets automatically. The goal of the ECC project is to create a computational framework that accelerates discovery and characterization of complex molecular systems. We are targeting gas-phase and coupled heterogeneous/gas-phase reactions and reaction mechanisms with relevance to...

Exascale Computing Program

Page • To meet aggressive national goals for significantly reducing petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions requires major improvements in all aspects of the nation’s energy use. Combustion processes have historically dominated electrical power production and transportation systems. Despite major advances in improving the efficiency and reducing the costs of alternative energy...

Experimental Capabilities

Page • Sandia Labs scientists invented and developed ground-breaking scientific and engineering capabilities—both experimental and computational—which laid the foundation for today’s combustion research model. Built in the early 1970s, on the promise that laser beams could be used to interrogate hostile environments, Sandia’s Combustion Research Facility (CRF) is now world renowned for...

Experimental Turbulent Combustion Research

Page • Example turbulent flame configurations used for fundamental studies of turbulence-chemistry interactions. Different flow configurations and fuels provide a progression of complexity with respect to fluid dynamics and chemical kinetics. Systematic experimental studies of these flames using laser diagnostics are combined with theory and modeling to advance our understanding of the...

Fabulous at Forty!

Post, April 5, 2021 • Fueling the Future Established at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, as the first U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) user facility, since the early 1980s the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) has served as a national and international leader in combustion science and technology for more than 40 years. As the...

Faculty and Students Pursue CRF Research under DOE Programs

Post, July 17, 2014 • Under the supervision of mentor Ethan Hecht, Samira Iqbal of Las Positas College works on a reactor that is used to characterize the kinetics of pulverized coal oxy-combustion under pressure. The DOE Office of Science Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) initiative maintains a decades-long legacy of developing the...

February 2012

Post, April 25, 2012 • Senior manager of the Livermore Valley Open Campus, Andy McIlroy, presented a poster at the Industry-National Laboratory Workshop on Materials for Energy held at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory from January 30-February 1. The poster, entitled “Clean and Efficient Combustion for Energy Security,” was featured in the session on Energy: grid, carbon...

February CRF Visitor Departures

Post, April 17, 2014 • Xiaoying Han Xiaoying Han 2/3/2014-2/14/2014 Host: Habib Najm As part of an ongoing collaboration with Habib Najm, Professor Xiaoying Han of Auburn University (Alabama) returned to the CRF to continue research on methods for model reduction in stochastic chemical systems. Prof. Han’s work is focused on developing a theoretical framework...

Finding a molecular needle in a haystack

Post, July 7, 2017 • Bálint Sztáray, left, from the University of the Pacific, and Sandia National Laboratories chemist David Osborn display the PEPICO instrument. Sandia Labs creates better ‘fingerprints’ to detect elusive, valuable chemical compounds By Sarah Sewel Imagine being able to see the entire Statue of Liberty and a small ant on its...

First Kevin E. Strecker Award Presented at Rice University

Post, May 30, 2014 • Joseph Barchas (middle) receives congratulations from Michelle Strecker and Randy Hulet, who was Kevin Strecker’s graduate advisor. The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) sends warm congratulations to Joseph Barchas of Rice University, the first recipient of the Rice University’s Kevin E. Strecker Award. Joseph received the $2,000 award from the Department...

Four CRF Papers Presented at the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety

Post, November 7, 2013 • CRF researchers presented four papers at the 5th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, held September 9–11, 2013, in Brussels, Belgium. ICHS 2013 focused on progress in safety of hydrogen technologies and infrastructure, as crucial/essential means to enable the transition to a zero carbon energy system. The conference was hosted by...

Free-Piston Engines: A Possible Route to Hybrid-Electric Vehicles

Post, November 20, 2014 • A Sandia team is pursuing a novel route to hybrid-electric vehicles: the free-piston engine. So called because the piston is not mechanically linked to other engine systems, such as the crankshaft, the free-piston engine may provide greater efficiency than its conventional diesel and gasoline counterparts. Fueled by renewably sourced hydrogen,...
Results 101–125 of 288