
Results 1–25 of 45
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A New Concept for Time-Resolved Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy

Post, November 22, 2013 • In developing the dual etalon frequency comb (DEFCOM) spectrometer, CRF researchers Haifeng Huang and David Chandler are refining a new concept for time-resolved Fourier-transform (FT) spectroscopy based on the interference between two transient frequency combs. By opening the door to many potential uses—including time-resolved, high-resolution, broad-band spectroscopy with a microsecond...

Characterizing the development of thermal stratification in HCCI engines

Post, May 16, 2011 • Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines can deliver high efficiencies—comparable to a diesel engine or higher—and ultra-low NOx and particulate emissions. They also offer the potential for lower cost than diesel engines and do not require expensive diesel-emissions after treatment for a significantly lower overall package price. HCCI is therefore...
Figure 1. Schematic of the optically accessible HCCI research engine.|Temporal sequence of T-map images at the mid-plane of the pancake combustion chamber|Figure 3. T-map image sequence from mid-plane to near the wall at 360° CA. The “z” value below each image gives the distance of the image plane below the cylinder head.|Figure 4. Side-view T-map image showing the thermal stratification in the bulk-gas and near-wall regions at TDC (360° CA).

Coal Use and Carbon Capture Technologies

Post, July 31, 2012 • Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels and thus has a long history of use, from heating to steel production to power generation. Though coal use is both reliable and inexpensive, it is also a major producer of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Research into carbon capture and storage...

CRF Co-Sponsored the Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions

Post, September 4, 2012 • The CRF was proud to sponsor the attendance of ten students at the 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions. The awardees presented posters on their work and were available for a question-and-answer session about their research. From left to right, the awardees are pictured with both the...

CRF Director Speaks on Panel At National Journal Live Policy Summit

Post, July 24, 2012 • Director of the Transportation Energy Center, Bob Carling, spoke on a panel discussion at the Policy Summit on the “Perils and Prospects of an ‘All of the Above’ Approach to the Energy Future,” hosted by National Journal Live. The panel also featured Mary Hutzler from the Institute for Energy Research,...

CRF Hosts Visitors from General Motors

Post, November 6, 2012 • CRF Hosts Visitors from General Motors Transportation Director Bob Carling, Senior Manager Dawn Manley, and Manager Dennis Siebers hosted two visitors from General Motors this summer. CRF researchers toured Mike Harpster, the director of the Propulsion Research Lab, and Paul Najt, group manager of the SI Engine Systems, through the...

CRF manager Daniel Dedrick receives DOE award for outstanding technical contribution

Post, July 31, 2012 • Each year, at the Department of Energy's Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting, the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program presents "Program Awards" for contributions to the overall efforts of the Program, and "Sub-Program Awards" to recognize achievements in specific areas. CRF manager Daniel Dedrick received a Sub-Program Award for outstanding...

CRF manager hosts workshop on hydrogen safety

Post, June 11, 2012 • CRF manager Daniel Dedrick hosted an H2CAN Workshop on Hydrogen Safety in R&D from April 11-12. H2CAN, also known as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Hydrogen Canada Strategic Network, consists of international researchers interested in Hydrogen Production and Purification, Storage, and Infrastructure and Safety. Thirteen...

CRF Research Presented at Workshop on Advanced Computing for Energy Innovation

Post, September 4, 2012 • Work conducted by CRF researcher Jackie Chen and her collaborators Ramanan Sankaran (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Ray Grout (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and John Levesque (Cray Supercomputing Center for Excellence) was presented at the DOE-sponsored Workshop on the Grand Challenges of Advanced Computing for Energy Innovation, held from July 31-August...

CRF Researcher on Organizing Committee for Turbulent (Non)Premixed Flames Workshop

Post, October 3, 2012 • CRF researcher Rob Barlow served on the organizing committee for the Turbulent (Non)Premixed Flames (TNF) workshop, held in Darmstadt, Germany from July 26-28, 2012. The TNF workshop, which was hosted by the Technical University of Darmstadt, was attended by several CRF researchers and focused on experimental and computation work in...

CRF Researchers Lead Discussion on Laser Induced Incandescence

Post, July 3, 2012 • CRF researcher Hope Michelsen led discussions on Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) modeling at the 5th International Workshop on LII, held in France. Ray Bambha, also from Sandia, presented a talk entitled “Effects of particle coatings on LII” with Michelsen and CRF researchers Mark Dansson and Paul Schrader. CRF researcher Scott...

CRF researchers visit NREL

Post, June 20, 2012 • Last month, Transportation Energy Center Director, Bob Carling, CRF manager Daniel Dedrick and staff researcher Aaron Harris met with Hydrogen Program Leadership at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The group discussed alignment of the Codes and Standards programs at both NREL and Sandia with respect to hydrogen safety.

CRF staff participates in hydrogen and safety meeting

Post, June 20, 2012 • CRF manager Daniel Dedrick and researcher Isaac Ekoto participated in a recent meeting of the International Energy Agency. Hosted by Air Liquide in Paris, the meeting focused on Task 31 of the Hydrogen Implementing Agreement, which focuses on Hydrogen Safety. Researchers at the CRF are leading the subtask focused on...

CRF Visitor Program News August 2011

Post, August 22, 2011 • Gaurav Bansal, post-doc with Jackie Chen Gaurav‘s research was supported by the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center. He worked on direct numerical simulation (DNS) of homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion with di-methyl ether, an oxygenated fuel, DNS of pulsating flame instabilities, and isometric mapping to identify reduced parameterizations in combustion....

CRF Visitor Program News May 2011

Post, May 22, 2011 • CRF Visitors Darwin Arifin and Torrie Aston, visitors with Tony McDaniel Torrie Aston Darwin Arifin Torrie and Darwin are part of an ongoing collaboration between the CRF and students from the University of Colorado, Boulder.   Brian Fisher, post-doc with Chuck Meuller Brian Fisher Brian Fisher worked as a post-doctoral...

CRF Visitor Program News Winter-Spring 2012

Post, May 1, 2012 • CRF Visitors Darwin Arifin Darwin Arifin is a return graduate student visitor from the University of Colorado. He will be participating in experiments related to the production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide via thermochemical redox cycles of ceria and doped ceria. Such thermochemical cycles are a means to produce precursors...

DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences program managers visit the CRF

Post, June 26, 2012 • Program managers Dr. Wade Sisk and Dr. Mark Pederson of the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) made a recent visit to the CRF. Over their two-day visit, Dr. Sisk and Dr. Pederson met informally with managers of BES-funded projects. The BES program supports fundamental research to understand, predict,...

ExaCT offers “proxy apps”

Post, May 22, 2012 • This month, we debuted the new website for The Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT). The ExaCT group is actively developing a number of “proxy apps” that represent key aspects of structured-grid adaptive PDE-based combustion simulations. A subset of these proxy apps are available to the public....

ExaCT offers "proxy apps"

Post, May 22, 2012 • This month, we debuted the new website for The Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT). The ExaCT group is actively developing a number of “proxy apps” that represent key aspects of structured-grid adaptive PDE-based combustion simulations. A subset of these proxy apps are available to the public....

ExaCT Website Debuts

Post, May 8, 2012 • Last month we talked about Exascale Computing and Sandian Dr. Jackie Chen’s collaborative grant with Dr. John Bell of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to establish the Center for Exascale Simulation of Combustion in Turbulence (ExaCT). Our new ExaCT website is now live and full of detailed information on the people,...

Future Physics Study Tour Welcomed

Post, August 30, 2011 • Each year, the Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP), the student association for Applied Physics students at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, organizes an extended tour of top universities, high-technology multinationals and start-ups, and world-renowned research facilities. As part of this year’s tour, 29 undergraduate students and two professors...

Future scientists explore Sandia and the CRF

Post, April 29, 2011 • On April 28, nearly 200 daughters, sons, and family friends spent the morning at Sandia’s California laboratory with their parents, getting a look at where mom and dad work and engaging in activities around the site. As always the CRF was a major player, staging several popular demonstrations and exhibits....

Government Officials Tour Sandia California

Post, August 26, 2011 • Chuck Mueller (left) shows Gavin Newsom (right) a high-speed movie of a new fuel-injection strategy. (Photo by Randy Wong) The On June 29, Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor of California, visited Sandia to learn about current and emerging energy research at the site. Hosted by Vice President Rick Stulen, Newsom learned...
Results 1–25 of 45