CRF manager Daniel Dedrick receives DOE award for outstanding technical contribution

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Each year, at the Department of Energy’s Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting, the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program presents “Program Awards” for contributions to the overall efforts of the Program, and “Sub-Program Awards” to recognize achievements in specific areas. CRF manager Daniel Dedrick received a Sub-Program Award for outstanding technical contribution in Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards. Dedrick directed a team responsible for providing the technical basis for domestic and international codes and standards needed for the safe deployment of hydrogen technologies. He and his team also developed advanced testing methodologies to enable better understanding of phenomena such as accelerated embrittlement and fatigue due to hydrogen’s effects on materials. Sandia was key in advancing the scientific understanding and developing and validating the engineering needed to establish a risk-based approach for defining safety distances for bulk gaseous hydrogen storage at fueling stations and other facilities. This risk-based approach was incorporated in the National Fire Protection Agency’s (NFPA) Hydrogen Technologies Code.