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Accelerating research of complex chemistry problems

Post, January 19, 2022 • The Exascale Catalytic Chemistry project, a partnership with Sandia, Argonne, and Pacific Northwest national laboratories, and Brown and Northeastern universities, started in 2017 and brings together physical chemists and applied mathematicians to design computational tools that can take advantage of the world's most powerful computers to speed up understanding of...

Adams and Bastress Awards Given to CRF Staff Members

Post, November 29, 2012 • 2012 Adams & Bastress Award Winners The CRF is proud to announce the winners of the 2012 Adams and Bastress awards. The O.W. Adams Award, named after Bill Adams, DOE’s original CRF sponsor, was established in 1986 and is given each year to Sandians who have made exemplary research contributions...

Announcing the continuation of the Spray Combustion Consortium

Post, June 8, 2018 • We invite you to join the next phase – transferring basic research into more predictive spray combustion CFD models thereby reducing development time and costs of future high-efficiency engines. Background The Spray Combustion Consortium (SCC) is an industry-funded activity aiming to improve engine combustion system design and optimization tools. Formed...

Chemical Kinetic Rate Coefficient Estimation Given Partial Information

Post, May 13, 2013 • Habib Najm, Khachik Sargsyan, and Bert Debusschere of the CRF, working with Cosmin Safta of Sandia’s Computer Sciences and Information Systems center and Robert Berry, formerly at the CRF and presently at The Climate Corporation in San Francisco, California, have demonstrated the use of a data free inference (DFI) approach...

CRF Article Chosen by The Journal of Chemical Physics to Commemorate 80th Anniversary

Post, October 18, 2013 • A 2012 article by CRF researchers David Chandler and the late Kevin Strecker, “Dual-etalon frequency-comb cavity ringdown spectrometer” was chosen by The Journal of Chemical Physics as one of 80 articles to highlight the 80 years of outstanding work published in the journal. Recently retired CRF researcher Steve Binkley is...

CRF confronts COVID-19 and gets back to work

Post, March 8, 2021 • The 2020 outbreak of COVID-19 affected all of the Labs’ sites with enforced stay-at-home orders in most locations. The Chemistry, Combustion and Materials Science Center, including the CRF, is located in California where the governor mandated a statewide quarantine in March 2020, which stayed in force for more than eight...

CRF Hosts Visitors from General Motors

Post, November 6, 2012 • CRF Hosts Visitors from General Motors Transportation Director Bob Carling, Senior Manager Dawn Manley, and Manager Dennis Siebers hosted two visitors from General Motors this summer. CRF researchers toured Mike Harpster, the director of the Propulsion Research Lab, and Paul Najt, group manager of the SI Engine Systems, through the...

CRF Research Presented at Workshop on Advanced Computing for Energy Innovation

Post, September 4, 2012 • Work conducted by CRF researcher Jackie Chen and her collaborators Ramanan Sankaran (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Ray Grout (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and John Levesque (Cray Supercomputing Center for Excellence) was presented at the DOE-sponsored Workshop on the Grand Challenges of Advanced Computing for Energy Innovation, held from July 31-August...

CRF Seismic Retrofit Complete

Post, September 29, 2014 • The installation of new exterior concrete/steel seismic buttress walls, which are attached to the building steel framework. They reinforce the building structure so the building acts like one “box” during an earthquake. On Friday, Sept. 12, Sandia National Laboratories completed a three-year seismic retrofit of the Combustion Research Facility’s (CRF’s)...

CRF Summer Undergraduate Internship Opportunities – Apply by January 10, 2014

Post, December 1, 2013 • The Combustion Research Facility is seeking undergraduate and community college interns for 10-week appointments in summer 2014. Interns will be paired with a CRF scientist to conduct experimental, computational, or modeling research related to CRF programs. Applicants must be U.S. citizens majoring in math, physical science, or engineering, with a...

CRF Summer Visiting Faculty Opportunities – Apply by January 10, 2014

Post, December 1, 2013 • The Combustion Research Facility is seeking visiting faculty researchers for 10-week appointments in summer 2014. The Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) seeks faculty members and their students at institutions historically underrepresented in the research community in order to expand the workforce vital to DOE mission areas. Faculty members develop a proposal...

CRF Visitors, January 2014

Post, March 12, 2014 • Adam Wahab 9/16/2013-1/21/2014 Host: Wayne Staats During a several-month visit, Adam Wahab assisted Wayne Staats, Jeff Koplow, Justin Vanness, and Ryan Gorman in developing a new lighting technology that uses a variant of the Sandia Cooler—a highly efficient heat exchanger for microelectronic devices—to cool the LED array. Specifically, Adam created...

CRF Visitors, July and August 2013

Post, November 21, 2013 • Russell Fitzgerald 6/3/13-7/26/13 Host: Isaac Ekoto General Electric (GE) research scientist and former Sandian Russell Fitzgerald came to the CRF for two months to work with Isaac Ekoto to evaluate the suitability of employing an in situ carbon monoxide (CO) detection technique in an optically accessible gas turbine test rig...

CRF Visitors, September 2013

Post, November 21, 2013 • Niels Leermakers 5/1/2013-9/13/2013 Host: Mark Musculus Niels Leermakers, a Ph.D. candidate from Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands, visited the CRF for four months to collaborate with Mark Musculus on a DOE project to better understand details of the temporal and spatial evolution of soot and soot precursors under...

David Chandler Named IAMS Advisory Board Member

Post, October 18, 2013 • Sandia chemist David Chandler has been named to the 7th Advisory Board of the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences (IAMS). Dr. Chandler’s term will run from September 2013 through August 2016. Advisory Board members review research programs at IAMS and recommend scientific directions. IAMS is one of 24 research...

Dedication, curiosity earn chemist DOE Early Career Award

Post, June 16, 2022 • CRF Scientist Krupa Ramasesha Each year, the Department of Energy awards five-year, $2.5M, Early Career Award grants to young scientists, chosen through a highly competitive research proposal selection process. For CRF scientist Krupa Ramasesha, winning the Department of Energy’s Early Career Award means that she can launch an in-depth study...
|Krupa Ramasesha

Fabulous at Forty!

Post, April 5, 2021 • Fueling the Future Established at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California, as the first U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) user facility, since the early 1980s the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) has served as a national and international leader in combustion science and technology for more than 40 years. As the...

Finding a molecular needle in a haystack

Post, July 7, 2017 • Bálint Sztáray, left, from the University of the Pacific, and Sandia National Laboratories chemist David Osborn display the PEPICO instrument. Sandia Labs creates better ‘fingerprints’ to detect elusive, valuable chemical compounds By Sarah Sewel Imagine being able to see the entire Statue of Liberty and a small ant on its...

Fuel property put to the test

Post, March 9, 2021 • Sandia postdoc receives SAE Excellence in Oral Presentation Award for phi-sensitivity research Understanding the fundamentals of phi-sensitivity, a key fuel property that represents how the autoignition reactivity of the fuel varies with the fuel/air equivalence ratio, will help us increase the efficiency and facilitate the development of practical low-temperature gasoline...

Hanging out with the stars

Post, March 8, 2021 • Sandia establishes collaborative research facility to study pervasive and versatile low-temp plasmas Low-temperature plasma—the most pervasive state of matter in the universe—consists of gaseous mixtures of ions and electrons that interact with background neutral atoms or molecules to make them reactive. It also generates energetic photons. All this activity means...

High school engineering students visit CRF

Post, March 9, 2021 • Livermore High School science teacher Karen Fletcher and 12 sophomore students from the Green Engineering Academy got to see applied science in action during a Feb. 19, 2020, visit to Sandia’s California campus. Students met several Sandia engineers who shared their combustion research expertise. James Siacunco talked about his career...

Hope Michelsen elected OSA Fellow

Post, November 29, 2017 • by Micheal PadillaHope Michelsen, a distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia’s Combustion Research Facility, has been elected as a Fellow Member of The Optical Society (OSA).Hope is honored specifically for pioneering contributions to the fundamental understanding of laser-radiation interactions with soot particles through laser-induced incandescence (LII), absorption, and...

In Memory of Jim Miller

Post, November 23, 2021 • Jim Miller In Memoriam: Jim Miller (1946–2021) Jim Miller dedicated his life to science while never losing either his warmth and interest in the people around him or his interest in the world. A theorist and research scientist, Jim was known as one of the early developers of CHEMKIN, the...

Jackie Chen inducted into Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame

Post, March 15, 2016 • by Michael Padilla Jackie Chen, a distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories’ Combustion Research Facility, will be inducted into the Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame on March 19 in Oakland, California. Jackie is being honored in the area of science and technology for her contributions...

Jackie Chen to give keynote address at ISC High performance conference in Germany

Post, February 17, 2016 • By Michael Padilla Jackie Chen, distinguished member of technical staff at the Combustion Research Facility, is scheduled to deliver the keynote address on Tuesday, June 21, at the ISC High Performance conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The keynote session will highlight contributions from female researchers and scientists in advancing the field...
Results 1–25 of 50