
Results 1–25 of 288

35th International Combustion Symposium a Resounding Success

Post, September 22, 2014 • Elaine Oran, a professor of engineering at the University of Maryland, gave the keynote address on “Understanding explosions: From catastrophic accidents to the creation of the universe.” (Photos by Dino Vournas) The 35th International Combustion Symposium, the premier conference on combustion science and application held on August 3–8 in San...

3D Diagnostics

Page • Many reacting flows are inherently three dimensional and temporally evolving. High-speed 3D imaging measurements are required to capture the dynamics of key processes such as localized extinction and re-ignition in turbulent combustion. To meet that need, we have combined multi-kHz rate tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomo-PIV) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)...

A New Concept for Time-Resolved Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy

Post, November 22, 2013 • In developing the dual etalon frequency comb (DEFCOM) spectrometer, CRF researchers Haifeng Huang and David Chandler are refining a new concept for time-resolved Fourier-transform (FT) spectroscopy based on the interference between two transient frequency combs. By opening the door to many potential uses—including time-resolved, high-resolution, broad-band spectroscopy with a microsecond...

A. Alec Talin

Staff Page • Chemistry, Combustion & Materials Science. Biography Alec Talin is a Senior Scientist in the Chemistry, Combustion and Materials Science Department at Sandia National Laboratories and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society...
Image of Alec Talin


Page • Mission The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) is not only the nexus of the nation’s combustion research efforts, but also the preeminent combustion research entity in the world. We respond to the nation’s evolving energy challenges with ever increasing expertise and capacity aimed at improving our nation’s ability to use and...

Accelerating research of complex chemistry problems

Post, January 19, 2022 • The Exascale Catalytic Chemistry project, a partnership with Sandia, Argonne, and Pacific Northwest national laboratories, and Brown and Northeastern universities, started in 2017 and brings together physical chemists and applied mathematicians to design computational tools that can take advantage of the world's most powerful computers to speed up understanding of...

ACME: Climate Modeling Powered by DOE Supercomputers, Tamed by Uncertainty Quantification

Post, September 22, 2014 • Facing increasing evidence of climate change, scientists around the world are working to improve climate modeling, hoping to provide decision makers solid projections to guide the development of mitigating policies. Khachik Sargsyan is leading a Sandia effort to strengthen climate models through uncertainty quantification (UQ) for the Accelerated Climate Model...

Adams and Bastress Awards Given to CRF Staff Members

Post, November 29, 2012 • 2012 Adams & Bastress Award Winners The CRF is proud to announce the winners of the 2012 Adams and Bastress awards. The O.W. Adams Award, named after Bill Adams, DOE’s original CRF sponsor, was established in 1986 and is given each year to Sandians who have made exemplary research contributions...

Ahren Jasper and Nils Hansen lead combustion panel at AAAS

Post, March 7, 2013 • On Saturday, Feb. 16, CRF researchers Ahren Jasper and Nils Hansen organized a panel, Predictive Model of the Internal Combustion Engine, at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting. The panel brought together world leaders from new and ongoing multi-institutional programs designed to address the challenges...

Aleš Srna

Staff Page • Engineering Science, Senior Member of Technical Staff. Biography Dr. Aleš Srna is the principal investigator in the Sandia Heavy-Duty Optical Engine Laboratory and leads a team of researchers responsible for heavy-duty diesel and gaseous fuels heavy-duty engine combustion research at Sandia National Laboratories. He is using optical and laser-based diagnostic...
Aleš Srna

Alternative Fuels Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine Laboratory

Page • To reduce CO2 emissions, we must supplement traditional gasoline with renewable fuels and improve the fuel efficiency of automotive engines. Research conducted in the Alternative Fuels Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition (DISI) Engine Lab strengthens the scientific underpinnings necessary for the automotive industry to meet increasingly stringent efficiency and emission standards. The single-cylinder research...

Announcing the continuation of the Spray Combustion Consortium

Post, June 8, 2018 • We invite you to join the next phase – transferring basic research into more predictive spray combustion CFD models thereby reducing development time and costs of future high-efficiency engines. Background The Spray Combustion Consortium (SCC) is an industry-funded activity aiming to improve engine combustion system design and optimization tools. Formed...

April 2012

Post, May 3, 2012 • On April 10-12, CRF manager Damian Rouson and senior technical staff member Karla Morris taught an intensive workshop on object-oriented programming (OOP) in Fortran 2003 at the University of California at Berkeley. OOP aims to increase a program's maintainability in part by reducing cross-module data dependencies and to increase a...

Argonne-Sandia Consortium on High-Pressure Combustion Chemistry

Page • A collaborative effort between the Gas Phase Chemical Physics program at the Combustion Research Facility and the Chemical Dynamics in the Gas Phase group at Argonne National Laboratory, the consortium program focuses forefront research in gas phase chemical physics on the critical national energy mission of combustion. The program provides...

Ashfia Huq

Staff Page • Materials Physics. Biography Ashfia Huq is a manager in the Materials Physics Department, which is part of the Chemistry Combustion and Materials Science Center in the 8300 Division at Sandia National Laboratories. Prior to joining Sandia, Ashfia worked at Apple Inc. as a manager and X-ray/Neutron subject matter expert in...
Image of Ashfia Huq

Assessing the economic potential of advanced biofuels

Post, April 9, 2013 • Dean Dibble (8237) prepares samples of switchgrass for analysis. (photo by Randy Wong) Biofuels hold great promise for the future of transportation energy, but the day that biofuel completely replaces gasoline at the pump is still a long way off. How far off is, at best, an educated guess, with...

August Visitor Departures

Post, November 24, 2014 • Many of the students and faculty visiting the CRF under the DOE Office of Science Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) program returned to their universities in August. To learn more about their work at the CRF, click on the links below. Samira Iqbal, 6/2/14 – 8/7/14, Host: Ethan...

Bert Debusschere

Staff Page • R&D S&E, Mathematics. Visit my personal staff page here.

Bob Hwang is New Transportation Energy Center Director

Post, February 11, 2014 • In December, Sandia National Laboratories announced the appointment of Bob Hwang as the new director of the Transportation Energy Center, which includes the Combustion Research Facility (CRF). Bob Carling, who served as director of the Transportation Energy Center from 2008 to 2013, retired in December after 37 years at Sandia....

California Council on Science and Technology visits CRF

Post, August 9, 2013 • On July 15, seven members of the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) visited the Combustion Research Facility. Transportation Energy Center Director Bob Carling and Deputy Director of Chemical Sciences Dawn Manley gave the visitors an overview of the CRF. Blake Simmons, Senior Manager of Biofuels and BioMaterials Science...

Capturing the Moment of Hydrogen Ignition in the Turbulent Combustion Lab

Post, September 6, 2013 • Hydrogen fuel cell-powered electric vehicles could be coming to a showroom near you in just a few years. Automotive manufacturers are perfecting their options, and with a plan to open 68 public hydrogen fueling stations by 2015, the State of California leads the nation in hydrogen vehicle infrastructure deployment. A...

Catalin Spataru

Staff Page • Materials Physics. Education Ph.D., Physics, UC Berkeley (2004) Research Interests First-principles calculations of the structural, electronic, transport and optical properties of advanced materials. Publications Robinson DA et al, Tunable Intervalence Charge Transfer in Ruthenium Prussian Blue Analog Enables Stable and Efficient Biocompatible Artificial Synapses., Advanced Materials (2022)Thomas, CJ et al.,...
Image of Catalin Spataru

Cellular Membrane Bending by Protein-Protein Crowding

Post, December 18, 2012 • Cellular membranes are made up of lipid bilayers that can be highly curved, an essential feature critical for processes such as endocytosis, organelle synthesis, cell division, and intracellular transport. Current understanding suggests that specialized proteins are responsible for membrane curvature through two mechanisms (Figure 1). The first is membrane scaffolding...

Characterizing the development of thermal stratification in HCCI engines

Post, May 16, 2011 • Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines can deliver high efficiencies—comparable to a diesel engine or higher—and ultra-low NOx and particulate emissions. They also offer the potential for lower cost than diesel engines and do not require expensive diesel-emissions after treatment for a significantly lower overall package price. HCCI is therefore...
Figure 1. Schematic of the optically accessible HCCI research engine.|Temporal sequence of T-map images at the mid-plane of the pancake combustion chamber|Figure 3. T-map image sequence from mid-plane to near the wall at 360° CA. The “z” value below each image gives the distance of the image plane below the cylinder head.|Figure 4. Side-view T-map image showing the thermal stratification in the bulk-gas and near-wall regions at TDC (360° CA).
Results 1–25 of 288