Post, May 13, 2013 • Habib Najm, Khachik Sargsyan, and Bert Debusschere of the CRF, working with Cosmin Safta of Sandia’s Computer Sciences and Information Systems center and Robert Berry, formerly at the CRF and presently at The Climate Corporation in San Francisco, California, have demonstrated the use of a data free inference (DFI) approach...
Chemical Physics
Page • Fundamental chemical physics research at the CRF is focused on basic science that impacts a broad range of forefront DOE energy missions. CRF researchers study the interactions of light and electric and magnetic fields with matter, the transfer of energy among electrons, atoms and molecules, the chemical processes that are...
Chemical Reactivity
Page • The CRF research into the fundamentals of chemical reactivity characterizes the building blocks important to all chemistry, thus contributing to a broad range of DOE energy missions. The work spans system complexity from dynamics experiments on single collision scattering or photodissociation of small molecules to detailed kinetics investigations of complex...
Chemistry-Transport Interactions
Page • Combustion systems are characterized by a complex interplay between convection and diffusional transport processes and chemical reaction rates, particularly in turbulent flows, wherein strong, time-varying gradients in both chemical composition and temperature couple with chemical reactions. These systems are practically relevant and scientifically challenging to investigate and understand, due to...
Chirped-Pulse Microwave Spectroscopy
Page • Technical Details Broadband chirped-pulse Fourier Transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy uses fast digital electronics from the communications industry to create chirped-pulses of microwave radiation that can interrogate rotational transitions spread over wide frequency ranges (2=8 GHz or 8-18 GHz) simultaneously. Using fast digitizers, the free-induction decay from the molecular sample is...
Chris Kliewer
Staff Page • R&D S&E, Chemistry. Visit my personal staff page here.
Christian Mailhiot
Staff Page • Materials Science. Biography Prior to joining Sandia in 2016, I held the position of professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Washington State University (WSU) during the period 2013 – 2016. At WSU, I was Director of the Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC), and founder and Administrative Director...
Christopher R. Shaddix
Staff Page • Manager, Combustion Research Facility, Plasma & Reacting Flow Science Department. Biography Dr. Shaddix completed his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University in 1993. He served as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Since 1995, he...
Coal Use and Carbon Capture Technologies
Post, July 31, 2012 • Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels and thus has a long history of use, from heating to steel production to power generation. Though coal use is both reliable and inexpensive, it is also a major producer of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Research into carbon capture and storage...
Coherent Raman Imaging
Page • Nonlinear coherent Raman spectroscopy has long been the gold standard for the nonintrusive determination of molecular temperature and speciation during chemical reactions. The coherent, laser-like, signal beam allows for the remote probing of even optically hostile environments, while blue-shifted signal of anti-Stokes Raman enables separation from the optical interference of...
Combustion Research Facility
Page • A Department of Energy Office of Science Collaborative Research Facility Sustainability for the next 40 years Established as the first U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) user facility in the 1970s and designated a DOE collaborative research facility in 2008, the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) at Sandia National Laboratories has served...
Computation and Theory
Page • Beginning in the 1970’s, CRF combustion researchers and Sandia computational experts collaborated to develop the CHEMKIN suite of codes for analyzing chemical kinetic sensitivities and reacting flow phenomena. Initially developed as tools to aid internal research, CHEMKIN codes became widely popular in the combustion research community, which ultimately led to...
Concentrating on Sunshine to Advance the Hydrogen Economy
Post, July 24, 2013 • Ivan Ermanoski works on a room-temperature prototype of the packed particle bed reactor for solar-thermochemical hydrogen production. (Photo by Randy Montoya) Can solar energy be harnessed to address climate change and other impacts of the world’s dependence on carbon-based fuels? A Sandia team that includes principal investigator Tony McDaniel in...
Craig A. Taatjes
Staff Page • Senior Manager. Biography Craig Taatjes is the senior manager for Physical Sciences at Sandia National Laboratories’ Combustion Research Facility (CRF) in Livermore, California. His research focuses on kinetics and mechanisms of fundamental chemical reactions important in combustion and hydrocarbon oxidation. His work has concentrated on direct measurements of elusive intermediates...
Craig Taatjes To Be Awarded Polanyi Medal for Pioneering Work in Combustion Chemistry
Post, November 27, 2013 • Sandia combustion chemist Craig Taatjes, whose groundbreaking work on Criegee intermediates has provided scientific insight into hydrocarbon combustion and atmospheric chemistry, has been selected to receive the prestigious Polanyi Medal at the 23rd International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, which will be held on July 20–25, 2014, in...
CRF Article Chosen by The Journal of Chemical Physics to Commemorate 80th Anniversary
Post, October 18, 2013 • A 2012 article by CRF researchers David Chandler and the late Kevin Strecker, “Dual-etalon frequency-comb cavity ringdown spectrometer” was chosen by The Journal of Chemical Physics as one of 80 articles to highlight the 80 years of outstanding work published in the journal. Recently retired CRF researcher Steve Binkley is...
CRF begins research for Clean Vehicles Consortium
Post, May 15, 2012 • In the fall of 2010, Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the selection of three research consortia between the U.S. and China to advance clean energy in the areas of building energy efficiency, clean vehicles, and advanced coal technology. Sandia and the CRF are pleased to begin research in...
CRF Co-Sponsored the Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions
Post, September 4, 2012 • The CRF was proud to sponsor the attendance of ten students at the 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions. The awardees presented posters on their work and were available for a question-and-answer session about their research. From left to right, the awardees are pictured with both the...
CRF confronts COVID-19 and gets back to work
Post, March 8, 2021 • The 2020 outbreak of COVID-19 affected all of the Labs’ sites with enforced stay-at-home orders in most locations. The Chemistry, Combustion and Materials Science Center, including the CRF, is located in California where the governor mandated a statewide quarantine in March 2020, which stayed in force for more than eight...
CRF Director Speaks on Panel At National Journal Live Policy Summit
Post, July 24, 2012 • Director of the Transportation Energy Center, Bob Carling, spoke on a panel discussion at the Policy Summit on the “Perils and Prospects of an ‘All of the Above’ Approach to the Energy Future,” hosted by National Journal Live. The panel also featured Mary Hutzler from the Institute for Energy Research,...
CRF hosts Advisory Committee meeting
Post, April 8, 2013 • In January, Transportation Energy Center Director Bob Carling hosted a CRF Advisory Committee meeting. The two-day event featured research presentations on the Center for Infrastructure Research and Innovation, the Spray Combustion Consortium, measurement and modeling approaches to support climate mitigation, and diagnostics; visits to the Char Combustion lab, Advanced Imaging...
CRF Hosts Visitors from General Motors
Post, November 6, 2012 • CRF Hosts Visitors from General Motors Transportation Director Bob Carling, Senior Manager Dawn Manley, and Manager Dennis Siebers hosted two visitors from General Motors this summer. CRF researchers toured Mike Harpster, the director of the Propulsion Research Lab, and Paul Najt, group manager of the SI Engine Systems, through the...
CRF manager Daniel Dedrick receives DOE award for outstanding technical contribution
Post, July 31, 2012 • Each year, at the Department of Energy's Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting, the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program presents "Program Awards" for contributions to the overall efforts of the Program, and "Sub-Program Awards" to recognize achievements in specific areas. CRF manager Daniel Dedrick received a Sub-Program Award for outstanding...
CRF manager hosts workshop on hydrogen safety
Post, June 11, 2012 • CRF manager Daniel Dedrick hosted an H2CAN Workshop on Hydrogen Safety in R&D from April 11-12. H2CAN, also known as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Hydrogen Canada Strategic Network, consists of international researchers interested in Hydrogen Production and Purification, Storage, and Infrastructure and Safety. Thirteen...
CRF Paper Among Most Cited Journal of Physical Chemistry Articles
Post, September 6, 2013 • An article by Oliver Welz, Judit Zádor, John D. Savee, Leonid Sheps, David L. Osborn, and Craig A. Taatjes, “Low-temperature combustion chemistry of n-butanol: Principal oxidation pathways of hydroxybutyl radicals,” was among the top 20 most-cited articles for the Journal of Physical Chemistry A for the month of July. In...
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