Page • Many reacting flows are inherently three dimensional and temporally evolving. High-speed 3D imaging measurements are required to capture the dynamics of key processes such as localized extinction and re-ignition in turbulent combustion. To meet that need, we have combined multi-kHz rate tomographic particle image velocimetry (tomo-PIV) and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)...
A. Alec Talin
Staff Page • Chemistry, Combustion & Materials Science. Biography Alec Talin is a Senior Scientist in the Chemistry, Combustion and Materials Science Department at Sandia National Laboratories and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society...

Page • Mission The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) is not only the nexus of the nation’s combustion research efforts, but also the preeminent combustion research entity in the world. We respond to the nation’s evolving energy challenges with ever increasing expertise and capacity aimed at improving our nation’s ability to use and...
Accelerating research of complex chemistry problems
Post, January 19, 2022 • The Exascale Catalytic Chemistry project, a partnership with Sandia, Argonne, and Pacific Northwest national laboratories, and Brown and Northeastern universities, started in 2017 and brings together physical chemists and applied mathematicians to design computational tools that can take advantage of the world's most powerful computers to speed up understanding of...

Aleš Srna
Staff Page • Engineering Science, Senior Member of Technical Staff. Biography Dr. Aleš Srna is the principal investigator in the Sandia Heavy-Duty Optical Engine Laboratory and leads a team of researchers responsible for heavy-duty diesel and gaseous fuels heavy-duty engine combustion research at Sandia National Laboratories. He is using optical and laser-based diagnostic...

Alternative Fuels Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine Laboratory
Page • Research conducted in the Alternative Fuels Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition (DISI) Engine Lab strengthens the scientific underpinnings necessary for the automotive industry to meet increasingly stringent efficiency and emission standards. The single-cylinder research engine is based on the cylinder head and combustion system for an advanced spray-guided stratified-charge engine. It has a...
Announcing the continuation of the Spray Combustion Consortium
Post, June 8, 2018 • We invite you to join the next phase – transferring basic research into more predictive spray combustion CFD models thereby reducing development time and costs of future high-efficiency engines. Background The Spray Combustion Consortium (SCC) is an industry-funded activity aiming to improve engine combustion system design and optimization tools. Formed...

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Argonne-Sandia Consortium on High-Pressure Combustion Chemistry
Page • A collaborative effort between the Gas Phase Chemical Physics program at the Combustion Research Facility and the Chemical Dynamics in the Gas Phase group at Argonne National Laboratory, the consortium program focuses forefront research in gas phase chemical physics on the critical national energy mission of combustion. The program provides...
Ashfia Huq
Staff Page • Materials Physics. Biography Ashfia Huq is a manager in the Materials Physics Department, which is part of the Chemistry Combustion and Materials Science Center in the 8300 Division at Sandia National Laboratories. Prior to joining Sandia, Ashfia worked at Apple Inc. as a manager and X-ray/Neutron subject matter expert in...

Bert Debusschere
Staff Page • R&D S&E, Mathematics. Visit my personal staff page here.

Catalin Spataru
Staff Page • Materials Physics. Education Ph.D., Physics, UC Berkeley (2004) Research Interests First-principles calculations of the structural, electronic, transport and optical properties of advanced materials. Publications Robinson DA et al, Tunable Intervalence Charge Transfer in Ruthenium Prussian Blue Analog Enables Stable and Efficient Biocompatible Artificial Synapses., Advanced Materials (2022)Thomas, CJ et al.,...

Chemical Physics
Page • Fundamental chemical physics research at the CRF is focused on basic science that impacts a broad range of forefront DOE energy missions. CRF researchers study the interactions of light and electric and magnetic fields with matter, the transfer of energy among electrons, atoms and molecules, the chemical processes that are...
Chemical Reactivity
Page • The CRF research into the fundamentals of chemical reactivity characterizes the building blocks important to all chemistry, thus contributing to a broad range of DOE energy missions. The work spans system complexity from dynamics experiments on single collision scattering or photodissociation of small molecules to detailed kinetics investigations of complex...
Chemistry-Transport Interactions
Page • Combustion systems are characterized by a complex interplay between convection and diffusional transport processes and chemical reaction rates, particularly in turbulent flows, wherein strong, time-varying gradients in both chemical composition and temperature couple with chemical reactions. These systems are practically relevant and scientifically challenging to investigate and understand, due to...
Chirped-Pulse Microwave Spectroscopy
Page • Technical Details Broadband chirped-pulse Fourier Transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy uses fast digital electronics from the communications industry to create chirped-pulses of microwave radiation that can interrogate rotational transitions spread over wide frequency ranges (2=8 GHz or 8-18 GHz) simultaneously. Using fast digitizers, the free-induction decay from the molecular sample is...
Chris Kliewer
Staff Page • R&D S&E, Chemistry. Visit my personal staff page here.

Christian Mailhiot
Staff Page • Materials Science. Biography Prior to joining Sandia in 2016, I held the position of professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Washington State University (WSU) during the period 2013 – 2016. At WSU, I was Director of the Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC), and founder and Administrative Director...

Christopher R. Shaddix
Staff Page • Manager, Combustion Research Facility, Plasma & Reacting Flow Science Department. Biography Dr. Shaddix completed his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University in 1993. He served as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Since 1995, he...

Coherent Raman Imaging
Page • Nonlinear coherent Raman spectroscopy has long been the gold standard for the nonintrusive determination of molecular temperature and speciation during chemical reactions. The coherent, laser-like, signal beam allows for the remote probing of even optically hostile environments, while blue-shifted signal of anti-Stokes Raman enables separation from the optical interference of...
Combustion Research Facility
Page • A Department of Energy Office of Science Collaborative Research Facility Advancing fundamental physical sciences and technologies for America's energy future Established as the first U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) user facility in the 1970s and designated a DOE collaborative research facility in 2008, the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) at Sandia...
Computation and Theory
Page • Beginning in the 1970’s, CRF combustion researchers and Sandia computational experts collaborated to develop the CHEMKIN suite of codes for analyzing chemical kinetic sensitivities and reacting flow phenomena. Initially developed as tools to aid internal research, CHEMKIN codes became widely popular in the combustion research community, which ultimately led to...
Craig A. Taatjes
Staff Page • Senior Manager. Biography Craig Taatjes is the senior manager for Physical Sciences at Sandia National Laboratories’ Combustion Research Facility (CRF) in Livermore, California. His research focuses on kinetics and mechanisms of fundamental chemical reactions important in combustion and hydrocarbon oxidation. His work has concentrated on direct measurements of elusive intermediates...

CRF confronts COVID-19 and gets back to work
Post, March 8, 2021 • The 2020 outbreak of COVID-19 affected all of the Labs’ sites with enforced stay-at-home orders in most locations. The Chemistry, Combustion and Materials Science Center, including the CRF, is located in California where the governor mandated a statewide quarantine in March 2020, which stayed in force for more than eight...

Cristian E. Lacey
Staff Page • R&D S&E, Mechanical Engineering. Biography Cristian joined Sandia in 2023 as a senior member of technical staff in the Plasma & Reacting Flows department. His research focuses on developing models and algorithms to mitigate the computational cost of high-fidelity, multi-physics simulations (in particular, turbulent reacting flows), often adopting a physics-based...

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