
14 Results

Aleš Srna

Staff Page • Engineering Science, Senior Member of Technical Staff. Biography Dr. Aleš Srna is the principal investigator in the Sandia Heavy-Duty Optical Engine Laboratory and leads a team of researchers responsible for heavy-duty diesel and gaseous fuels heavy-duty engine combustion research at Sandia National Laboratories. He is using optical and laser-based diagnostic...
Aleš Srna

Christian Mailhiot

Staff Page • Materials Science. Biography Prior to joining Sandia in 2016, I held the position of professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Washington State University (WSU) during the period 2013 – 2016. At WSU, I was Director of the Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC), and founder and Administrative Director...
Image of Christian Mailhiot

Christopher R. Shaddix

Staff Page • Manager, Combustion Research Facility, Plasma & Reacting Flow Science Department. Biography Dr. Shaddix completed his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University in 1993. He served as a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Since 1995, he...

Cristian E. Lacey

Staff Page • R&D S&E, Mechanical Engineering. Biography Cristian joined Sandia in 2023 as a senior member of technical staff in the Plasma & Reacting Flows department. His research focuses on developing models and algorithms to mitigate the computational cost of high-fidelity, multi-physics simulations (in particular, turbulent reacting flows), often adopting a physics-based...

Dave Chandler

Staff Page • Fellow, Combustion Research Facility, Transportation Research Center. Biography Dave was born in Albuquerque New Mexico and attended the University of New Mexico where he obtained his bachelors in Chemistry and was captain of the gymnastics team in 1975. He obtained a PhD in Chemistry at Indiana University and performed a...

Habib N. Najm

Staff Page • Senior Scientist, Combustion Research Facility. Biography Habib Najm is a Senior Scientist at Sandia National Laboratory. He leads a research program in computational chemical sciences and uncertainty quantification, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. He joined Sandia National Laboratories in 1993, and has worked in numerous computational science research...

Isaac Wesley Ekoto

Staff Page • Manager, Engine Combustion. Biography Isaac Ekoto earned his PhD in Aerospace Engineering at Texas A&M University in 2006. Isaac has been at Sandia National Laboratories since 2007 where he has worked on projects related to diesel engine combustion and hydrogen safety. He currently is the Principal Investigator of the Gasoline...

Jackie Chen

Staff Page • Senior Scientist, Chemistry, Combustion and Materials Science Center. Biography Jacqueline H. Chen has contributed broadly to research in direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent combustion focusing on fundamental turbulence-chemistry interactions relevant to engines. She is also developing a mesoscopic and continuum simulation framework to understand how nonequilibrium chemical processes affect...

Jonathan H. Frank

Staff Page • Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Combustion Research Facility, Reacting Flows. Biography As the Principal Investigator of the Advanced Imaging Laboratory, Jonathan Frank has extensive experience in the development and application of laser diagnostics for multidimensional imaging of chemically reacting flows. As a leader in his field, he has made important...

Julien Luc Manin

Staff Page • Principal Member of the Technical Staff, Applied Combustion. Biography Dr. Manin obtained his MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and in Automotive and Transportation Systems in France, in 2006. He completed his PhD in Physics and Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, in 2011. Dr. Manin has been...

Lyle M. Pickett

Staff Page • Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Engine Combustion Research. Biography Since 2002, Lyle Pickett has been the Principal Investigator for the Spray Combustion project in the Engine Combustion Research Department of the Combustion Research Facility at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. Lyle graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a...

Norm Bartelt

Staff Page • Materials Physics. Biography My work over the last forty years has focused on improving the understanding of the dynamical processes which are responsible the structure and morphology of solid surfaces. Much of this work has involved constructing statistical mechanical models that allow macroscopic behavior to be traced to atomic events. Most...
Image of Norm Bartelt

Suhas Kumar

Staff Page • Materials Physics. Biography I make computers smarter by combining nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. Education Ph.D., Stanford University Publications
Image of Suhas Kumar

Wei Pan

Staff Page • Materials Physics. Biography Dr. Wei Pan is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in physics from Princeton University. He has made numerous seminal contributions to the field of many-particle physics in low dimensional electron systems (in particular novel fractional quantum...
Image of Dr. Wei Pan